"Can you stop fiddling next time? The wound is cracked. "Qingshuang complained, helping Qiao Tianchang to deal with the wound and bandaging the wound again, and then complained.

"I see." Joe Tianchang closed his eyes, obviously unwilling to talk again.

Seeing the anger in his heart, Ziling thought that his wounds were all split just now, and he could not say the sarcastic words again.

When Qingshuang left, Ziling wanted to stay, but Qiao Tianchang drove her out with a rolling word.

Outside, Qingshuang stood in front of Ziling and saw that she didn't speak. However, Ziling was very curious and asked, "what are you doing when you look at me like this? I don't seem to have done anything, do I? "

"It's better not to do anything, Miss Ziling, because you are miss's friend and have saved a lot of people for us. We all appreciate you and respect you, but I hope you understand that he is our Miss's husband. There is a saying that a friend's wife can't be deceived, but it's the same with you, isn't it? Joe Tianchang is your friend's husband. Men and women are different. You'd better pay attention to the distance between you. " Said the frost coldly.

Out of women's intuition, Qingshuang has feelings, and Ziling is not aimless in treating Qiao Tianchang like this.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ziling's eyes flickered a little and smiled.

"You don't know what I'm talking about, as long as you understand in your heart, we are not good people, so miss Ziling, you should believe that I'm here for you." Qingshuang looks at Ziling's cold mouth and says.

Purple spirit face with a playful smile: "for me? Qingshuang, you don't think you can do anything to me with this skill? "

"Can you try it?" Qingshuang didn't expose their cards too much, just smiled at Ziling: "since you are friends with my miss, what kind of person is she, don't you know?"

As soon as Ziling's face changed, he was very clear about what kind of person Ning Mengyao was.

Qingshuang doesn't care about Ziling and turns to leave. Ziling has been standing for a long time, so she goes in the opposite direction as if nothing happened.

What she didn't know was that after she left, Ning Mengyao came out of the corner, holding a tray with porridge on it and some light food.

Looking at the direction of Ziling's departure, Ning Mengyao turns to enter the room. Qiao Tianchang opens his eyes and looks at the door. His eyes are cold and don't know what he is thinking.

"Yao Yao."

"Why don't you sleep more?" Ning Mengyao put the porridge aside and asked with a smile.

"Qingshuang came to change the medicine, followed a disgusting person, chirped, and was bored to death." Qiao Tianchang's eyes are full of disgust, which shows how much he hates purple spirit.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in dismay, and doesn't understand how he hates purple spirit so much. No matter what, purple spirit is beautiful and has a good character. How can he not like it?

"Tianchang, why don't you like purple spirit so much?"

"I don't like her eyes very much." Thinking of Ziling's eyes on him, he was very uncomfortable. The woman looked at him as if she were looking at the prey, full of excited hunting light. Although she was a friend of ningmengyao, he believed that one day when there was a conflict between what she wanted and Yaoyao, she would tear her face with Yaoyao.

Ningmengyao is a little stupefied. In fact, they all see that she is stupid and doesn't know anything. How stupid is she?

"She's very kind to us, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to keep a low voice with her. Yaoyao, your friend, to be honest, I really won't be optimistic." Qiao Tianchang said in silence.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "maybe you are right."

After returning to his room, Ziling transferred to the room, but soon lost interest. He was very interested in Qiao Tianchang.

She bowed her head and played with her thin and white fingers. The corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. She would like to see if the man of this era is different from the modern man. Is he really more passionate about ningmengyao than Jinjian.