Ziling looks at Ning Mengyao with a very sad look. If the eyes don't know, they think they have some secret between them. In fact, they are just ordinary friends.

"I don't want to see your face any more." Said Ziling.

It's not a good thing to be remembered by this woman. I don't know when she will be stabbed at you. It's just impossible to defend.

"Well, so am I." Ning Mengyao thought about it and nodded seriously.

"I'm your guest, anyway. How can you treat your guests like this?" Ziling was not happy. Why did she fight all over the world? When she came to this woman, she always said that she could not fight. Even though she was afraid of this woman, she thought it was weird.

"The guest should look like a guest, understand?"

"I I understand. " Originally, Ziling wanted to say something that she couldn't understand, but when she saw ningmengyao's warning eyes, her words changed again.

Ningmengyao reached out and touched Ziling's head, said smilingly, "it's really lovely."

"Don't touch me as if I were your pet dog. Miss Ben is a human being." Take a picture of the hand on the head. Ziling stares round his eyes.

"In how to stare, your eyes are not as big as mine, and your efforts are wasted." Ningmengyao pushes people away and says that he dislikes them very much.

"You I... "

"I won't play with you if I have something else. Remember what I told you. Be careful..." Ningmengyao made a movement to wipe her neck. The frightened purple spirit covered her neck. This woman is terrible. How far is she from now on.

Then fengxiao found that the purple spirit who had been gathering at Qiao Tianchang was far away, not only from Qiao Tianchang, but also from Ning Mengyao, as if they saw something terrible.

Feng Xiao is very curious about this, just like being scratched by a cat, but the party is not willing to say that they can only keep guessing, and one of them is whether Ning Mengyao is frightening someone else's girl.

In fact, as they thought, Ning Mengyao really scares people, but she just looks at Ziling and says a few words, and seems to have done nothing else.

what if what what purple dream knows is Ning Meng Yao, she will definitely make complaints about it. She has done nothing. Her little life has gone to half a dozen. What is she going to do again?

Cherish life and stay away from Mengyao.

"Is purple spirit so terrible?" Ning Mengyao looks at Ziling with a smile.

Ziling quickly shook his head: "no, you must not be so terrible."

Damn it, she really had a brain problem before. She just robbed the man with this woman. It's just like death.

As soon as they saw fengxiao, a word appeared in their mind. It was too fake.

"Alas, what did Ziling Mengyao do to you? You should be so afraid of her. " I can't blame him for his curiosity. After all, this man promised how he would like to be and how he would like to be, but now it's better for him to take the initiative to stay away from the couple. It's too boring.

"Who I'm afraid of her. Which eye do you see that I'm afraid of her? " Purple spirit dissatisfied refutation.

"Which eye has seen it, especially these two. You are not afraid of Mengyao. What are you stuttering about?"

"Take care of me. Get away from me. Believe it or not, I will poison you."

Feng Xiao Oh, nodded and sat to one side. The strange appearance made Ziling feel very uncomfortable in the forehead. It hurt when she smoked.

"What eyes do you have?"

"It's nothing. I just saw some people become angry and threaten others." Feng Xiao spread out his hands and said, helplessly, if it's not enough, it's just that he looks a little bit flat.

Ning Mengyao looks at the two people talking there and sits beside Qiao Tianchang. They whisper something from time to time. The purple soul's eyes hurt when they look close and happy.

"Watch out for both of you, there are so many more." Purple Spirit said discontentedly.

"You are envious, I understand."