"Who envies you?" murmured Ziling

"I don't envy you. Why do you look at me with such envious eyes?" Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Ziling. She asked with a smile.

Purple spirit face a black, angry voice said: "don't look at me with such eyes."

"If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?"

Ziling shut up and said no more: "I shut up, I don't talk, OK? Look at you two. "

"They've been bored for more than ten years." The gentle opening of the wind.

From the time they knew that the two were together, they were so bored and crooked, and now their feelings are still so good. Sometimes they would feel envious and envious when they saw them like that.

You said that the parents of these three children are the same as when they had no children. Sometimes when they saw two people together, they felt their teeth were sour, but they took it for granted when Jomo died.

Ziling looks at Ning Mengyao with a kind of ghost eyes: "I remember that you and that person were not so tired of being crooked, right? Has your character changed? "

When she first mentioned Lingluo, Qiao Tianchang's face still remembered that there was something more to be said. She couldn't guarantee whether she would be thrown out.

"I'm happy. I'm happy. Do you have a problem?"

"No." Ziling shakes her head. This person used to be a very indifferent person. Even for Lingluo, she is also on guard against Lingluo, right?

The people on the side saw that Ziling had been suppressed by ningmengyao, and suddenly understood that something must have happened between them, otherwise she would not suddenly change her attitude.

"Ah, you are all here." Lei An was going to find Ning Mengyao. Who knows everyone is here.

"What happened?"

"Sister in law, something happened in the army. They said that the eldest brother Collude with the people in the desert, so they will let the old ox go. "

Ning Mengyao squinted and touched her chin. A cold smile rose from the corner of her mouth: "it seems that there are still people there in the army?"

Those who can say such things are either the scouts in the desert or the people who look at their husband and wife in Chaozhong's eyes.

Ryan shrunk his neck and nodded. His sister-in-law was angry. Someone was going to be unlucky.

Ning Mengyao thought, "where is the stone pine? Does that guy have fun in the barracks

Lei An coughed and looked at Ning Mengyao's expression. He said awkwardly, "my sister-in-law, another reason I'm here today, is because Shi Song, someone in the military camp said bad things about the boss, so he started."

Ning Mengyao stops talking after a while, which makes Lei an a little uneasy. What does sister-in-law want to do? Let's also say, what does that mean.

"Does Tianchang want to see when those people can jump?"

"You go." Qiao Tian thought about it and shook his head. He believed that Ning Mengyao could deal with it. After all, he was still in a coma and could not appear in the barracks.

"Well, Ryan leads the way."

Ryan wants to cry without tears. It's over. Those people are going to be unlucky.

Yufeng and fengxiao went to the barracks with Ning Mengyao. Even Ziling changed her clothes and joined in the activity.

As soon as he entered the barracks, someone began to salute: "I have seen my wife."

"Where are the troublemakers?" Ning Mengyao takes a look at the man beside her.

"Madame, please." Because of the relationship between Qiao Tianchang and his wife and the identity of Ning Mengyao, they dare not block her.

When Ning Mengyao arrived at the place, he saw several people fighting against Shi Song, while the people on the side stood watching, no one did.

"Stop it all."

When Shisong was about to start, he heard ningmengyao's voice and stopped his action and turned to walk towards her, but those people wanted to die while Shisong was not facing them.

Ningmengyao's eyes were cold, and his figure had reached Shisong's side. He raised his feet and kicked out those who wanted to sneak attack.

"I said stop, didn't you hear me?"