"It seems that you know me well. Then you should know that I'm in a bad mood, very bad. So close your mouth, don't talk, understand?" Ningmengyao looked at Ziling and said word by word.

Purple spirit hurriedly nods, made a seal action: "understand."

Ningmengyao takes people back to the general's mansion, and directly calls for Muchen to go to the study. They talk inside for a long time before they come out.

"What's the matter?"

"Some people think their life is too leisurely, so I'm going to find them something to do." Ningmengyao very calm mouth, so that people on the edge can't help but cover their faces, this saying is too false, a look at it is about to the edge of the outbreak.

"You do it. As long as you have evidence, it doesn't matter if you die." Joe Tianchang leaned on the reclining chair and said casually.

These two people are really worthy of being husband and wife. The expression is the same. It's natural to teach people.

"Are you talking about Jin Lei?" Joe Tianchang suddenly thought of this man.

"Well, do you know?"

"I knew that there were so many people who had been dealt with in the barracks before. There was Jin Lei's son in the barracks. It seemed that I had taken them back directly. I don't know whether they are still alive or not." At that time, I knew that Jin Lei's son was not a good thing. In addition, I had a chance, so I took the man away directly.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang speechlessly. The feeling is not that the Jin family dislikes Qiao Tianchang and blocks their way. This is because Qiao Tianchang has lost his son.

"It's no wonder that the golden family will blackmail you if they find a chance." Ning Mengyao shook her head wordlessly and said.

"So I'm sorry." Qiao Tianchang said with an innocent face.

"It's not like pretending. I'm busy. I'll chat with you later."

"Go ahead, I have beans here." Qiao Tianchang smiles and nods, but the shooting out at the bottom of his eyes is cold. He ignores them and really takes himself as one thing.

Ningmengyao to deal with things, Qiao Tianchang around only two children, and Ziling, their fengxiao.

"Tianchang, don't you worry?"

"What am I worried about? Yao Yao will handle everything. " Qiao Tianchang doesn't worry about Ning Mengyao at all. If she can't deal with such things well, can tongbaozhai still reach its current scale?

Ziling takes a look at fengxiao. She is very disgusted. What's the look in this man's eyes? Where did he see that ningmengyao needed to be worried?

"It's good that others don't worry. She has something to worry about." Said Ziling in a low voice.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ziling, and the smile on his face is very strange.

"How do you both like to look at people with such expressions?"

"This man is a baby sitter. You don't want to live if you speak ill of Mengyao in front of him?" Feng Xiao said jokingly.

Purple spirit is depressed, she is to tell the truth clearly is not good, how to become to say bad things?

After ningmengyao left the general's mansion, he went to tongbaozhai, where he became a gathering place. When he got there, the people were already there: "start to suppress the Jin family's industry, don't suppress it too obviously, and don't kill me directly, OK?"

"It's miss."

"Oh, by the way, give me another look into Jin Lei's daughter."

"Yes, what else can I do for you, miss?"

"Not for now."

Ningmengyao goes upstairs with Qingzhu and Qingshuang, and closes the door after arriving at Shuang. Ningmengyao looks at Qingzhu and says, "Qingzhu gives you time. Can you let Jinlei's Yue family have an accident?"

That Jin Lei's wife's family is a business man, and Jin Lei's current status depends on the support of the Jin family. Otherwise, how could it be today?

If something happened to his wife's house, I don't know what Jin Lei would look like? Of course, at the same time, people in his father-in-law's family will know that the reason why their family will become like this is because of Jin Lei's fault, which affects them. I don't know what will happen to Jin Lei at that time?

"Miss, your attention is too bad."

"Well? Do I damage? " Ning Mengyao blinks. Does she have one?