"Green bamboo hurriedly nods:" have, young lady you this call to borrow a knife to kill

"Yes, I heard that Jin Lei actually has women and children outside. It's just because of his Family-in-law that he keeps people outside all the time. He didn't take them home or even tell anyone.

Qingzhu and Qingshuang look at ningmengyao with a very strange look. Ningmengyao touches her face and wonders: "is there anything dirty on my face? Why do you all look at me like this. "

"No, we're just curious. Miss, do you know how much you hurt people?" Qingshuang can't help saying that it's OK to deal with people and let them kill each other. Now even the outside room of people's family is involved. How can miss be so damaged.

Ning Mengyao blinked and said innocently, "I think Tianchang is worse than me."

Green bamboo two people cover their faces at the same time, they really think that the young lady is becoming more and more shameless, and her face is thick, don't know if my uncle knows?

"Well, you've got to get things done for me. I'm going to see a play. If I dare to start against Tianchang, I have to be ready for revenge." Ning Mengyao snorted and said discontentedly.

"Young lady, you can rest assured that there will be no problem."

Ningmengyao nodded with satisfaction. It would be nice if there were no problems. If there were any problems, it would be no fun.

"Well, let's go back. It's a pity that we are not in the capital, or we can see a good play." Ning Mengyao said regretfully.

"Miss, I think they will come to you." Qingshuang thought and said.

Ning Mengyao smiles and nods. Of course, she knows that these people will come to her, but this is the next thing. Now she doesn't care.

For ningmengyao's attitude, Qingshuang knew what was going on, but they could only mourn for the Jin family in their hearts.

By the time Ning Mengyao returned, Shi Song had already returned. Although he had been hit with the 20th army staff, it didn't seem to have much influence on him.

"Are you ok?" Ningmengyao frowned at Shisong and asked.

"Don't worry, aunt, I have nothing." What's the matter is that those guys, even if they can survive, will not be so easy in the future.

Now he won't compete with those people about what they say. It's not true that they do it by themselves. He just paid back.

"Let Qingshuang give you medicine. Next time, don't be so reckless. What I learned from my brother-in-law has been returned to my brother-in-law?" Looking at the silly stone pine, Ning Mengyao said angrily.

Shisong felt his nose awkwardly, and he laughed: "don't worry, auntie. Those guys must be hard to bear now."

"What did you do?"

"I chose the invisible place to fight, and left the dark wound. Even if they can go back alive, they will not have a good life." Although he was beaten for this, it was worth it to him.

No matter who it is, it can't be said that Joe Tianchang is not. No one can.

Ningmengyao looks at Shisong speechless. This boy is so mean that he can move such a mind.

"What are you still giggling about? Let Qingshuang give you medicine. " Ningmengyao didn't take a good look at Shisong and drove people away.

Just looking at the back of Shisong's departure, Ning Mengyao had a kind of light sadness. This child was so taken bad by Yufeng's brother-in-law. From white bread to sesame stuffed bun, it was still black.

After Ning Mengyao told Qiao Tianchang about it, Qiao Tianchang frowned and said, "stupid, there are many ways to do it, but this is the most stupid way." What's the meaning of this?

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang speechless, reaches out his hand and pinches his cheek. He is very discontented and says, "if you are satisfied with his practice, you can say it directly. No one will laugh at you. Is there anything wrong with you?"