Qiao Tianchang, who was said to be thinking about the center, couldn't help laughing. He was very satisfied with Shisong.

Today's Shisong, although there are still some deficiencies in some places, it's enough for him to grow to this point in a short time. As long as he is given more time, he can certainly do better.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and shakes his head helplessly. Seeing him like this, people who don't know how dissatisfied he will be with Shi Song.

"But I seem to be a little extreme about it." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"There's nothing radical about it. It's just right to do so. People who save money think that if our family is not in the capital, they can do whatever they want." Joe said with a cold snort.

Ningmengyao was stunned, then smiled and shook his head. Maybe, as he said, he could not do such a thing, or it would really bring them trouble.

"But that's what I said, but I wonder if it will continue to spread." Ning Mengyao is worried about this.

Joe Tianchang said, "it's quite possible, but I don't think there are too many people to believe."

"Well, I hope so." It's the most troublesome thing to deal with.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and shakes his head with a smile: "well, you don't want to think so much. It's natural when we arrive at the bridge. If we stay here for so long and do so much, they still think we are spies, then we can't say what's wrong?"

Ning Mengyao thought about it and thought it was the same thing, so she nodded and agreed with him.

"Maybe you're right. Next we'll wait for Jin Lei's father-in-law to come." Ning Mengyao said meaningfully.

"Are you sure they will come?"

Ning Mengyao nodded: "Jin Lei ' Now, Jin Lei secretly keeps the outer room and has two sons. If Jin Lei's wife knows about it, something fun will happen. "

"So you've already inquired about it?" Joe Tianchang asked jokingly.

"It's not prying. If I want to deal with other people, of course, I need to know their affairs so that I can hit them with soft bones. Are you right?" Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang innocently. In fact, she is very kind. If it wasn't for Jin Lei and them to provoke them, she wouldn't do anything to these people. How could she do such a thing to such a gentle person.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's natural appearance, Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing. He didn't know if Yaoyao had found out how cute he was now.

"What are you doing watching me like this? The expression is strange. "

"It's OK. Aren't you busy these days?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"The arrangements have been made. I may have to deal with them in detail, but the general thing is that morning and green bamboo are in charge." She does a lot of things like this. She makes an idea, and then she becomes the shopkeeper.

Qiao Tianchang nods, and only Muchen is really good to Ning Mengyao, so they help her unconditionally. It's to be tried by others instead. Who is willing to do this thankless thing.

"But sugar should be back, too?" Qiao Tianchang suddenly said that it has been four months since Tangtang left. According to the time, Tangtang can come back in half a month at most.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "well, it's almost there."

"I don't know how that girl's time is going, and Shanger's nine-year-old birthday is coming." Joe Tianchang suddenly thought of Jomo's death.

"Yes, I forgot it if you don't say. We have to prepare well and surprise him." These years, they just give meaning to their birthday. This year, they plan to give a lively birthday.