Qiao Tianchang nodded, "OK, you can tell me if you need help."

"You? You'd better take good care of your injuries. I don't know what it will be like to feel heartache when I see your weak appearance after saving sugar and sugar. " Ningmengyao did not look at Qiao Tianchang, but said.

This sugar comes back. If you see Joe Tianchang hurt again, you will feel more hurt.

Thinking of sugar, Joe Tianchang's smile on his face increased. Isn't it because he was injured before that that the child would go to medical school? That's a heartbreaking child.

"I'm busy. You have a good rest."

"Go ahead, I'll read by myself." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao nodded and hurried away. Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing at the anxious look.

"Boss, Jin Lei can't let it go." After ningmengyao left, Nanyu came out from the side and said coldly.

"Well, I can't let it go, but I'm not in a hurry. Your sister-in-law has already figured out how to do it. We just have to wait and see. But Jin Lei asked someone to investigate and see what he did." Jin Lei's move is really intriguing. He is very clear. After they found him doing this, he must be unable to eat. But he still used this method.

What is the purpose of his doing this, or his brain is short circuited, or he knows that he will be like this, but he has done such a thing?

Nanyu understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning after a little thought: "don't worry, boss, I will do it myself."

"Well, pay attention to safety. What about Xiaoqi?"

"I wrote that I would stay on the west coast and not come back." Nanyu said helplessly.

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but smile and shake his head. This little seven is also a guy who makes people uneasy.

"If he likes to stay there, just stay there." Qiao Tianchang doesn't demand it.

"Well." Nanyu nodded. He knew that Xiaoqi liked a girl there, so he would stay. But now there is nothing for him to do, so they are very tolerant to Nanqi.

"Well, go back to accompany the children? It's not that urgent. " He has just come back. He can't do such inhumane things. He can't even show his children.

"Good." Thinking of her son, Nanyu's face was full of happy smiles.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao moshang standing in front of him. He has no choice but to walk one by one.

"What happened to Shanger?"

"Dad, someone outside began to spread the news that dad and desert cooperated to win the throne, and many people spread it again." Said Jomo Shang, frowning.


"But it's OK. Although many people are passing it, not many people believe it." There is more or less consolation for Jomo Shang. If everyone said that his father was such a person, he would be really angry.

Qiao Tianchang looked at his son's hairy appearance and couldn't help laughing: "I'm not angry yet, why are you angry?"

"Dad You're not in a hurry? "

"You have said that no matter how many news they sent out, not many people believed it. Since that, what am I worried about? They like to say, let them go on, and I won't lose a piece of meat. "

Qiao Mo Shang's mouth slightly twitches. Looking at Qiao Tianchang, he can't help but feel speechless: "Dad, you can really see it."

"What can I do if I can't see it? I'm still in a coma. Your mother is busy dealing with things at home. She has no time to manage these things. " Qiao Tianchang spread out his hands and said helplessly.

Qiao moshang suddenly felt that what Qing Shuang had said was right, in which her father's cheek was thick.

Look, in addition to his pale face and weak body, Qiao Tianchang has the same body as a normal person. Is he still unconscious? Is that a shame?