"Shanger, if you have anything to say, don't scold in your heart, do you know?" Qiao Tianchang looked at his son and said meaningfully.

"Dad, you want me to do it?" Said Jomo Shang tentatively.

Qiao Tianchang looked at his son's eager appearance and immediately understood that the child's hands were itchy and itchy, so he came to tell him this.

"You don't want to get involved in things that haven't been done well." Qiao Tianchang can't help splashing cold water on Qiao moshang, but that's very obvious. He agreed to let Qiao moshang deal with it.

"Don't look down on me, Dad. Wait and see." For the first time, because of these things, he was despised by his father? It's not going to work.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao moshang who left in a hurry after getting his consent. He can't help laughing and shaking his head. Was this child really a 15-6-year-old? How come he doesn't look like that.

After Qiao moshang went out, they called Xiao Mu and said something in their ears in a low voice. Then they saw the children's eyes shining at Qiao moshang. It was like seeing a big piece of fat, and they were very excited.

"Do you know what you are going to do?" Jomo Shang looked at several people and said seriously.

Mu Sihong looks at Qiao moshang and says, "I'm going to go, too."

"Sihong stays at home. You can't go. Doudou is bigger than you. We don't take him. You are too small." They can't afford to take it out if something goes wrong.

Although uncle Mu may not be able to do something to them, they can't do such a thing.

Mushihong has some grievances. He wants to go.

Doudou pulled him and whispered, "when we grow up and learn martial arts well, we will go with our brothers."

"All right."

Jomo Shang gave Doudou a look of praise, and then left with several other older children.

"Brother Doudou, what are we going to do?" Mushong looked at Doudou and asked earnestly.

He doesn't believe Doudou will stay at home and do nothing.

Sure enough, Doudou's eyes rolled around, and then he laughed: "we, of course, are out to play."

"Ah?" Mu Si Hong immediately silly, why they want to go out to play now, should not go to find a way to help brother Shang their help?

Regardless of the surprised appearance of mushihong, he directly dragged the people away. After going outside, Guoguo changed his appearance, which made mushihong on the edge a little confused.

"Brother Doudou, what's the matter with you?" Why does it suddenly feel like the sky is falling down.

Doudou takes a look at mushihong: "I'll buy his favorite food for Dad, so that he can wake up after eating."

"But "Ah." As soon as mushihong was about to speak, he was pinched and turned to look at Doudou, but he was glared at severely.

"Then what are we going to buy?" Mushihong endured the pain. His eyes were full of tears. He looked pitiful like that.

Doudou walks around with mushihong and goes to the old mother-in-law who buys rice cakes. Obviously, Doudou often comes here.

"Ah, isn't this bean? I haven't seen you for days. What do you want today? " My wife asked with a smile.

"I want rice cakes. My father is sick and sleeping. I want to buy him rice cakes. He will wake up soon after eating." Beans flat mouth, aggrieved said, that son is really poor can not.

When the old mother-in-law heard this, she thought of the latest rumor that the general was colluding with the desert, and they could see the appearance of Doudou. They really thought it was impossible. Could a five or six-year-old cheat them? It seems that the general was really hurt.

"Come to my mother-in-law and give you more."

"Thank you, grandma." Doudou paid for the rice cake and left with mushihong.

After that, I went to buy some things, such as fried chestnuts and osmanthus cakes. They usually buy beans. The stall owners know each other.

After they sold out, many people knew that Qiao Tianchang was seriously injured. Doudou bought something for him to eat, hoping that he would get better soon.