Qiao Mo Shang looked at the sword in Qiao Mo Feng's hand, his eyes brightened: "thank you, elder brother."

Tangtang saw the sword in Qiao moshang's hand and said with a flat mouth, "big brother is so eccentric. I don't have such a good sword to give to my brother."

Joe mofeng reached out to pick up the sugar, held her face in his hand, and said discontentedly, "I didn't give you anything in your past birthday? Now I'm not happy to see that your brother has something good? "

Sugar some embarrassed smile: "I did not."

Doudou is standing on the edge all the time. Although he is still smiling, he is lost in his eyes. Then he ignores the sugar and ignores him. So he leaves alone. Mu Sihong looks at him doubtfully. Didn't he miss sugar very much when the sugar didn't come back? Why is he not happy now that he is back.

Thinking, he chased up and asked curiously, "what's the matter with you, brother?"

"Well? I'm fine. Go play. I'll go to my mother. " Doudou said with a smile that at a glance there was nothing.

Mu Sihong looked at Doudou carefully. It seemed that he had nothing to do, so he said two words to Doudou and left.

But Doudou didn't go to find Ning Mengyao after mushihong left. Instead, he found a rockery to climb. He sat on the rockery, chin on his knee, and looked at the front. There was no redundant expression on his face.

Jomo Shang first found that Doudou was not there: "where has Doudou gone?"

"He went to find auntie." Mushong said.

Qiao Mo Shang frowned and wondered. He hurriedly went to Ning Mengyao's place, only to find Doudou didn't go there at all. He was in a hurry and called thunder to find someone together.

When the people in the house turned their backs, Qiao moshang found Doudou on the rockery in the garden. He was sleeping on the rockery.

Qiao Mo Shangs speechless looking at the sleeping fragrant bean, some helpless, reached out and pinched his face: "run here to sleep without a word, it will make people worry."

Doudou opens his eyes to see Qiao moshang, blinks and sits up: "how did you come, brother?"

"I don't think you're looking for you. Aren't you looking for your mother? Why are you here? " Jomo Shang looks at Doudou and worries about him.

Doudou shook his head: "it's OK. I went to find my mother and saw that she was busy, so I came here to sleep."

"Let's go back." Jomo Shang reached out and rubbed the head of Doudou. He held the man and jumped to the ground.

"I want to find my mother."

"Well, then you can't run away."

Doudou nodded, "I see."

When Jomo died, the smile on Doudou's face disappeared again. His head was drooping, as if he had been abandoned.

"What happened?" Ning Mengyao is busy in the kitchen. Seeing Doudou come in, she asks jokingly.

"It's OK. Just come and play with your mother."

Ning Mengyao looks at Doudou and says, "you didn't play with sugar?"

"Well, No."

Ningmengyao's eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and gave the matter in her hand to grandma Qin. Then she went to Doudou's side and squatted down to look at Doudou: "what happened?"

"Niang, do you think sugar is ignoring me?" Doudou looks at Ning Mengyao wrongly and asks.

Ning Mengyao looked at Doudou in surprise and asked unexpectedly, "how can you think so? How can sugar ignore you? "

"She just ignored me. She didn't talk to me since she came back. She didn't even talk to me when I talked to her." Doudou said wrongly.

He thinks about when sugar can come back every day, but now when people come back, they just ignore him, just like he thought about all that before.

"Doudou, why do you think so?" Ningmengyao has no choice.

"Mom, you are busy. I went out to find my brother." Finish saying also ignore Ning Mengyao to run directly.

Seeing the appearance of Doudou, Ning Mengyao felt a headache, and the child was on the cusp again.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and went to find Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, you go to see Doudou."

"What happened to him?" Qiao Tianchang asked doubtfully.

"Because sugar came back and ignored him, he was not happy and had a bad temper." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"No wonder I was so angry just now."