Yufeng and they take a look at Ning Mengyao: "in fact, they can understand that Doudou has been thinking about when sugar can come back these days, what delicious and funny things they can get, and they are also taking them away. They are going to eat and play together when sugar comes back. Now sugar comes back, but they don't care of him. It's normal for him to be unhappy."

Today, he saw that Tangtang was just talking to others and didn't care about Doudou at all. Even if Doudou took the initiative to talk, she didn't care. No wonder Doudou would be angry.

"Don't worry, either. I'll have a look." Joe Tianchang went to Doudou's room and just got to the door, he heard the sound of smashing inside.

Push open the door and walk in, you will see Doudou put away the toys he was preparing to play with sugar and sugar during this period of time, and throw all his food on the ground. It's not satisfied, and it's totally different.

"Doudou, what are you doing?" Qiao Tianchang went to look at the red beans and asked.

"It's nothing. She ignored me. I don't care." Doudou said angrily.

Qiao Tianchang can understand Ning Mengyao's headache immediately. Now Doudou looks like this, which is really a headache.

Don't be angry, Doudou. Tangtang doesn't mean that

"What does that mean? She doesn't care about me. I don't want to care about him. " Finish saying to lie on the bed, drag the quilt to cover in own head, ignore Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang is helpless because of his attitude. He looks at the things on the ground and picks them up and goes out.

When I went to the yard, I saw the joy of Tangtang playing with other children. No wonder Doudou would be angry with me with a sigh.

Qiao Tianchang went to put the crumbs of snacks and toys on the table.

"Dad, isn't this Doudou's treasure? Why is it all like this? " Jomo Shang looked at the things on the table and asked unexpectedly.

"Well, Doudou was smashed by himself." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

"Why is that?"

Qiao Tianchang didn't answer Qiao moshang's words, but squatted down and looked at sugar: "how can I ignore Doudou?"

"I didn't ignore him." Sugar said confused.

"He's been preparing these things for a long time. He's going to eat and play with you when you come back." Qiao Tianchang pointed to the things on the table and looked at the sugar. "But he said you didn't pay attention to him, even if you talked to him, you didn't pay attention to him, so it was all smashed."

Tangtang frowned: "I didn't ignore him. I didn't hear him talking to me."

Doudou originally came to give Jomo Shang a gift. Who knows that when Tangtang said that, he immediately threw things to the ground and turned around and left.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the sugar like this. He doesn't know how to say it.

"Since you left, Doudou has been asking us when you will come back. When you know you want to come back, you will be looking forward to your coming back every day. What good things you get will be taken away. It is planned that you will come back to play with you. This is how you treat Doudou now? Didn't hear him at all? So many people play with you, you have heard, only Doudou talking to you, you have not heard? " Qiao Tianchang was not so angry at first. He was very happy to see his daughter come back. Who knows what happened between the two children.

"My father I didn't. "

"Dad, I'll go to see Doudou." Qiao Mo Shang frowned and said, no wonder Doudou's mood just now has been something wrong. It's because of this.


When Qiao moshang went to Doudou room, he found that people were not in the room. He ran out to find Qiao Tianchang. He saw a box at the gate of the hospital. The lid of the box was open, and there were some things in it. He knew that the box was Doudou. It was very precious at ordinary times. Now it would fall here.

"Dad Doudou is gone."

"What did you say? The beans are gone? " Qiao Tianchang turns around and looks at Jomo Shang.

"Well, I saw this at the gate of the yard. It should be a gift that Doudou is going to give me." In other words, Doudou is likely to hear what Tangtang just said.