As soon as Doudou heard this, he hurriedly helped him up to let him go to Fuman tower, but he said nothing and didn't want to go in. At last, he could only help him to a place near the wall and sit down. Then he went to Fuman tower and served several dishes of vegetables that had not been moved just now: "Grandpa will eat them for you."

Seeing the old man eating, he grabbed it and put it in his mouth, almost choking.

Doudou clapped the old man's back and said, "Grandpa, you can eat slowly. There are many more." He asked people to bring some soup.

After the old man finished eating, there were already many plates on the side. The old man looked at the beans and smiled on his dirty face: "thank you, little guy."

"Grandpa, you're welcome. Where is your home? I'll send you back. "

"Grandpa has no home."

"Ah? How can this happen? Why don't you come home with me? My parents are very kind. " Doudou has now completely forgotten what happened to him.

The old man looked at the child in front of him: "here All right? "

"Yes." Doudou hurriedly nods, and their family is not bad for such a person's chopsticks. Niang, they will definitely agree.

The man who invited Doudou to dinner came out with a ferocious expression: "how much do you have for this meal?"

Doudou turns to look at him and asks in doubt, "brother, didn't you say you invited me to eat? Why do you regret now? "

"No, how can brother repent? Now, how about my brother take you home? " Said the man, gnashing his teeth.

Doudou's eyes rolled around, then nodded with a smile: "OK, OK."

Doudou supports the old man and takes the man back to the general's mansion. When the man sees the three words of the general's mansion, he immediately becomes stupid: "you General's house

"Yes, this is my home. Aren't you going with me? Let's go. I will tell my parents to thank you very much. " The last words of Doudou are very important.

"Young master Lin, you are back. The general and his wife are in a hurry." When the man thought Doudou was lying, he saw Doudou's servant hurriedly running out and his face was worried.

"Take people and give them to Dad."

When the visitor heard Doudou, he was stupid. He was caught and taken away before he came.

"Grandpa, let's go in."

The old man didn't expect that this was the young master of the general's mansion. He waved: "no, no, you see me like this..."

"Nothing." Doudou didn't mind at all. He took the old man's hand and walked back. He was given clothes and water to wash and soak.

After settling down the old man, Doudou went to Qiao Tianchang's yard. By the time they passed, they had received the news. Doudou looked down at the ground and said, "I'm sorry, mom and dad. I shouldn't have run out without saying hello and worried you."

Ningmengyao looks at Doudou like that, and the anger in her heart disappears. She squats down in front of Doudou and looks at him: "it's good to come back. Next time, she must tell her parents where to go, and take the bodyguard with her, OK? Otherwise, my parents will worry about you. "

Doudou nodded cleverly: "I know, I won't do it again."

Qiao Tianchang flexed his fingers and knocked heavily on Doudou's forehead: "next time, the military law will deal with it."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry, Dad."

"You should say sorry to your brother."

Doudou slouched his head and went to the front of Jomo Shang: "I'm sorry, brother."

"You'll be fine if you're OK. What's wrong?" Jomo Shang didn't care about this, just worried about what he would suffer.

"No, I met a child abductor. I brought him back. I was arrested. I also met a grandfather. He is so pitiful. I brought him back. Dad, shall we let him live in our house?" Finally Doudou looked at Qiao Tianchang and said.

"Well, you'll be happy."

"Thank you, Dad."

Tangtang looks at Doudou, a little embarrassed. She goes over and says apologetically, "Doudou, I'm sorry, I shouldn't ignore you."