"Mom and Dad, I went to find that Grandpa." Doudou said something and ran away, ignoring the sugar.

Sugar Leng Leng looked at the left Doudou, silly standing there, Doudou is ignore her?


"It's no use calling me." Ning Mengyao shakes his head and looks at Doudou like that. If it wasn't for an accident, he couldn't have come back so soon.

Sugar's line of sight was on Qiao Tianchang's body, and Qiao Tianchang also shook his head.

"This is your attitude towards Doudou before. How can Doudou treat you so much now that you can't stand it?" Jomo Shang looked at sugar and asked casually.

"I......" Tangtang wanted to say that she didn't, but when she saw Jomo Shang's eyes, she couldn't say it at all.

Jomo Shang looks at sugar and sugar: "do you want to say you don't? Do you have a very clear mind of your own, you don't need to ask us, what kind of person is Doudou, you are very clear, he sees you very important, but you? After a few months away, he was treated as a stranger, wasn't he? "

After the sugar leaves, Doudou will be prepared in two no matter what it has. I want to eat and play together when she comes back. I know that she will come back soon. But now it's better. The child doesn't like Doudou. It's understandable that when she comes back, she wants to rest and not look for Doudou. But now? All day long, Doudou pretended not to hear what she said in the club, or she would not listen.

Huangfu Qing looked at Tangtang: "how can Tangtang do this to Doudou? Didn't you have the best relationship with him? "

"I'm not so good. I I just don't want to see him look like me. " Sugar whispered.

It is impossible to say that there is no influence after going there, especially now, sugar and sugar can say such words.

Doudou is standing in the distance. There is an old man who is full of energy after washing and washing.

"I don't want to see my face. Just in time, I don't want to see your face either. Happy birthday, Grandpa. Let's go." Doudou wanted to introduce his grandfather to his family, but now it's unnecessary to see her like that.

"Doudou." Jomo Shang stares at Tangtang and turns to catch up.

Don't look at Qiao moshang with Doudou's back to his body: "Doudou, sugar and sugar, she just said to play. Don't be angry. Don't be angry at my brother's birthday, OK?"

"Brother, I'm fine." Doudou was very sad and his voice choked.

Since childhood, I have been sleeping and playing together with sugar and sugar. I have never been separated. But now, she has only been away for a while, and it's just like this. She doesn't want to see him. That's right.

"Doudou has me here. Don't worry. Go ahead, that little girl..." The old man shook his head and left with peas in his arms.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know I won't hurt Doudou." The old man said and left with beans.

Jomo Shang went back with a gloomy face. No matter what other people's expression, he raised his hand and slapped sugar on his face.

Sugar covered his face, and couldn't believe looking at Qiao moshang: "brother, you even hit me?"

"It's you, Huangfu Qing. Tell me what's going on with sugar and sugar?" Qiao moshang looks at Huangfu Qing coldly and asks him to take good care of Tangtang. Is that what he takes care of?

After a long silence, Huangfu Qing opened his mouth and said: "my family also has a pair of twins, one of whom is always forgotten, and the other is very favored, sugar sugar sugar her Probably influenced by them. "

Jomo Shang looked at Tangtang's black face and was about to drip water: "because of this? Why do you go to the west coast? Don't you know why? Did my parents send you there? Because of the gossip of those people, do you treat Doudou like this? Are you still complaining about your parents

"I didn't No. Tangtang lowered her head, her eyes twinkled slightly, and her hesitation showed that she was feeling guilty. She really had such an idea.