"Doudou, what do you mean?" Tangtang looks at Doudou and asks incredulously.

"Don't you want to see my face? Then I will do as you wish. " Beans light said.

Mingming are two lovely children, but now with this kind of immature voice, saying this kind of words that do not meet the age, this makes the people on the side look a little uncomfortable.

"I I'm just saying what are you doing. " Tangtang said wrongly that she knew that she was wrong. Her brother and parents were dissatisfied with her because of this. His brother even beat her. What else did he want.

"I'm just saying that." Doudou said casually, then took out a palm sized box, went to Qiao Moshan's face, and finally had a smile on his lips: "I don't know where to go for the gift that my brother was going to give you. It's carved by grandpa Jiu. I hope you like it."

Qiao moshang opened the box, and at the first sight, he liked the pendant. In front of everyone's face, he put it on his neck: "I like it very much, thank you Doudou."

"Brother, I'd like to introduce you to Grandpa Jiu. He's good at carving." In front of Jomo Shang, Doudou is like an ordinary child at last. He takes his hand and happily introduces the old man beside him.

"Young master Shang." The old man bent slightly and saluted Jomo.

"Grandpa Jiu is very polite. We don't have so many manners. You don't need to do that."

"The ceremony must not be abandoned." The old man said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao looks at her little son like that, and finally feels relieved. She is worried that Doudou will change her temperament greatly because of this. Now it seems that she will not. In this way, she can be a little relieved.

"Well, everyone is here for dinner." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Doudou used to sit with Tangtang. Tangtang thought it was the same this time, but he didn't, so he went to qiaomoshang and sat down. He whispered with qiaomoshang and mushong beside him, which made Tangtang lost a little. He could understand the feeling of Doudou immediately.

A meal of sugar and sugar is very uncomfortable. I don't look at Doudou from time to time, but Doudou just like I didn't see her. I eat the things in front of me.

"Niang, do we still have that kind of big jade?" Doudou suddenly thought of it and asked.

"Yes, what do you want this for?"

"Grandpa nine said to make me a piano. He said it's better to be jade."

Ning Mengyao looks at the old man by accident and asks in doubt, "is the Qin made of jade?"

"Yes, it would be better if I could find Jiaosi to make strings. As for my purpose, my wife will know in the future." The old man looked at Ning Mengyao's eyes directly without any feeling of heart deficiency.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "OK, I'll let someone find it."

After the dinner, Doudou took the old man back to the house. When he left, he said hello to everyone, but didn't pay attention to sugar.

Sugar finally can't help crying: "niandoudou why is he like this?"

"Now you know to ask me? Think about how you treat beans. " Ningmengyao is helpless. For them, ningmengyao doesn't know what to do. The palms and backs are all meat. Moreover, it's a matter between them. It's not good for her to interfere too much. She hopes that they can solve it by themselves.

Sugar head down, some self blame: "mother I know wrong."

"It's no use telling me. Don't you know what kind of character Doudou is?" Ning Mengyao looked at sugar carefully and said.

Sugar's head droops at the sound of it, so don't mention how pitiful it is.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at Tangtang and said, "this is between you two. How to deal with it is your own business. We will not interfere."

"Oh, I see." Tangtang has some regrets in his heart with his head down. Why should he do such a thing? He knows clearly that his parents are not like that, but

Huangfu Qing felt sad when he saw Tangtang like this. He looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "uncle, aunt, Tangtang, she already knew that she was wrong. She is still young..."