"Xiao is not an excuse to make mistakes, but also to her brothers and sisters. She doubts that we are good to her. We don't mind, but Doudou is different. Everyone has to bear the consequences for what she does. She should know that there will be such results because of the words of others." Qiao Tianchang took a look at Huangfu Qing, interrupted him, and said in a cold voice.

"Huangfu Qing, don't tell me more. We can only deal with this matter by ourselves, sugar and Doudou. No one else can help us." Jomo Shang also frowned and said.


"No, if you are really for the sake of sugar, then don't interfere in this matter."

Huangfu Qing saw that they were all in this attitude and could only nod helplessly.

Besides Doudou, when he went back with the old man, he couldn't wait to ask, "why do you use jade to carve a piano for me, Grandpa nine?"

"First, play your piano to Grandpa." The old man didn't answer Doudou's question, just said so.

Although Doudou was curious, he didn't ask more questions. When he came to the piano stand and played it carefully, the more he listened, the more satisfied he was. He felt his beard and smiled with satisfaction.

"Doudou, come with Grandpa." The old man went to pick up the piano, went outside and put it on the stone table, while he was sitting on the stone bench, fingering the strings of the piano, and then with a bang, the trees not far away fell to the ground.

Doudou hurriedly ran over and looked at the number that he couldn't afford. He was surprised: "Grandpa, this What's the matter? "

"This is the voice attack. Grandpa has no other ability. You can do this. You saved grandpa's life. Grandpa wants to pass this ability on to you. Do you want to learn from Grandpa?" The old man looked at Doudou and asked kindly.

Nine Yin, the master of Yin attack, was betrayed by his own apprentice. Although he destroyed Yin attack, he ended up in such a situation. He was seriously injured. If he didn't meet Doudou, he might die, right?

Doudou nodded: "I want to learn."

"Well, that's lovely. From now on, my grandfather will teach you how to make musical instruments. In addition, my grandfather will teach you how to carve and make musical instruments."


Since Qiao moshang's birth, people in the general '.

During this period, saving Tangtang was the most difficult. He went to Doudou several times, but no one was found. Even if he saw someone, Doudou didn't want to talk to her, which made Tangtang really afraid. Did Doudou really ignore her.

That day Doudou just came back from practicing martial arts, and saw the sugar standing at the gate of his yard: "what's up?"

"I know it was my fault before. Don't be angry, OK? I know it's wrong. " Tangtang grasps Doudou's hand and looks forward to him, saying very wrongly.

Doudou looks at Tangtang and doesn't speak, which makes Tangtang a little uneasy: "are you still angry with me? Yes, I am angry with you like that, you should be angry, but I... I really know it's wrong. "

During this period, Doudou is very busy, but she goes to eat with her parents and brothers every day. Although she can see people every day, she can't talk to him. The feeling of being ignored is really hard. She has the best relationship with Doudou. She doesn't want Doudou to ignore her.

Doudou looks at the sugar: "are you finished? I'm going to take a bath. "

"Doudou." Tangtang looks at Doudou to leave, and quickly reaches out to grab him: "how can you forgive me?"

Doudou stretched out his hand and pulled the sugar on his arm: "there's nothing unforgivable. I thought I was right before."

"It's not like that. Don't be angry, Doudou, will you?"

"I'm not angry anymore." Doudou thought and said.

He really didn't get angry. During this period, both Qiao Tianchang and Jiuyin told him a lot. He also learned a lot because of this, and the anger in his heart disappeared.