He also found that he can have a lot of things to do every day, there is no need to tangle because of these things. In his heart, sugar and sugar are still family members, but there is no such feeling as ever.

People say it's hard to break a mirror. Maybe that's what it looks like.

"But you don't care about me." Tangtang heard that he was not angry and didn't believe it at all: "and you always wear this mask."

Since his brother's birthday, he never took off his mask, even in front of his parents. If he was not angry, she would not believe it.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"What's good about this? You just won't forgive me. That's why." Sugar said wrongly.

Doudou looks at Tangtang: "I'm really not angry with you, believe it or not." Then he went straight back to the house.

Sugar wants to follow in, but Jiuyin comes out at this time: "Miss sugar, everyone will change, Doudou has changed in your eyes, but he is still him, and some things can't be forced."

"But grandpa nine, I don't want Doudou to ignore me like this." Sugar stirred his fingers and said wrongly.

"Doudou doesn't ignore you, but he understands something, just like you understand something, and Doudou's present appearance is his most real appearance." Jiuyin shook his head and said.

"No way, Doudou is not like this." In her heart, Doudou is actually a person who loves talking and laughing. He doesn't like talking at all. He is cold to anyone, even in front of his parents.

Jiuyin looks at Tangtang and shakes his head. "You can ask the general and his wife about this. They may give you the answer you want."

Tangtang runs out as soon as she hears it. Knowing that Ning Mengyao has said something to ninmeng Yao, she tells her: "what Niang said is not true, right?"

Ningmengyao let Tangtang sit beside her and reached out to touch her hair: "it's true."


"Doudou and your father are carved in the same mold. Their personalities are very similar. Your father has been like this since he was a child. Later, when he joined the army, people became more indifferent. These years, you only see Doudou's face to his family, but you don't see his real side. All he did before is to make us happy." Doudou's real character, they will find it is actually an accident.

Doudou is not the same as the little monkey, but his IQ is really high, and his learning is very fast, but he always takes into account the feeling of sugar, so he hides himself, but the sugar has not been found.

Tangtang looks at her mother and still doesn't believe what she hears is true. It must not be true.

Ning Mengyao reached out to touch the sugar face, and said fondly, "no matter how the Doudou changes, it's still him. It's just that he took off the disguise and turned back to his real self."

"But Niang, I like the old Doudou."

"My mother likes it, too." Ningmengyao said with a smile, but even if it is how to like it, so what? Doudou will not change back to the way they used to because they like it. Why not accept it?

Tangtang's head is drooping. She looks pitiful. Ning Mengyao can't help shaking her head funny: "you, you don't want to think so much. You are twins. He won't really be angry with you, but you have your own attitude. Understand?"

"Niang, I know. I will let Doudou forgive me. I know it's wrong. Niang, I'm sorry." Sugar sugar apologizes in a low voice.

Loving kiss sugar's face: "don't apologize to your mother, she will never be angry with you."

"Niang, I still want to go to elder brother Qing's place, but this time I won't be left or right again. Do you believe me?" Sugar suddenly looked up at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ning Mengyao is stunned, then nods: "OK."