After talking with Ning Mengyao, Tangtang is not as lost as before. Every day when Doudou practices martial arts, she follows her. When Doudou practices piano, she sits beside and reads medical books. Although there is not much communication between the two people, it seems that they are back to the original time.

In the evening, Doudou washes and sits on the bed, looking at the music score given by Jiuyin. Jiuyin walks in and asks jokingly, "I thought you really didn't want to pay attention to sugar."

"Grandpa Jiu is my sister. How can I ignore her? It's just that I think it's good now. " Doudou puts down the music score in his hand, with a little smile on his lips.

Nine Yin shook his head: "since that's the case, why are you so cold to others?"

"You don't know what I really look like?" Doudou sits cross legged on the bed and looks at Jiuyin.

Once dad said he was the most like him, at first he didn't understand, now he understands.

"You, Miss Tangtang is leaving. You Intend to be like this all the time? "

Doudou thought about it and said, "Grandpa, please teach me how to carve and tie Lian's Pendant." They are twins. He gave her a juetilian pendant. She should be able to understand it, right?

Nine tone nodded: "OK."

Since that day, Doudou has another task, that is, to learn to carve and tie Lian. After learning to carve, his mother gave him a lot of jade. He doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Tangtang has been very happy recently because of Doudou's non exclusive attitude, and the smile on her face has increased. Although she doesn't want to follow Doudou all day long, she still listens to him when she has time to play the piano. When she doesn't understand occasionally, Doudou will be patient when she asks.

In a flash, Tangtang has been at home for two months. It's time to leave.

Huangfu Qing looked at Tangtang and saw that she had been looking outside. He understood that she was waiting for Doudou, but he had no choice but to shake his head.


"I'm fine. Let's go." Tangtang shakes his head, feeling a little lost, but when he goes out of the yard, he sees Doudou coming.

Sugar ran to the past: "Doudou you come?"

Doudou nodded and handed sugar a box.

When sugar opens, you can see a pretty pendant. There are two lotus flowers next to each other on it, and there are some lovely empty bells beside it.

"It's beautiful. Is it for me?" Sugar asked in anticipation.


Tangtang heard Doudou admit it and jumped up with a happy smile: "Doudou thank you, I like it so much."

"Just like it."

When Ning Mengyao and his wife came over, they saw sugar holding a beautiful pendant, holding Doudou in one hand, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

"What are you talking about so happy?" Ning Mengyao asked jokingly.

Tangtang happily shows the pendant in her hand to Ning Mengyao: "Niang, do you think it's Doudou that gave it to me, isn't it beautiful?"

"Well, it's beautiful, but does sugar know what kind of flower it is?"

"I don't know, don't you?"

"Yes, it's parallel lotus, one lotus and two students." Ning Mengyao explains with a smile. It seems that Doudou doesn't really want to ignore sugar.

Tangtang looks at Ning Mengyao, a lotus twin?

"Mom, is that the same as me and Doudou? We are twins. "


Tangtang smiles and squints her eyes. She turns to Doudou and says, "do you have one?"

nodded as like as two peas, and put out his hand. The palm of his hand is a pendant that is exactly the same as candy and sugar. It is fun to see this candy.

The disappointment that I had to leave before turned into full joy: "I'm leaving. I'll bring you something fun next time I come back."


Tangtang is more happy. Follow Huangfu Qing and leave together.

After they left, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said sadly, "Tianchang, my son can carve things, but he doesn't think about us."


Qiaomofeng looked at her father and mother like this, and couldn't help but feel funny and warm: "yes, Shanger and Tangtang have both, but we don't have them, Doudou, you can't be one of them."

"Yes, Doudou. I'm your Godfather. Can't you not give it to me?" Fengxiao also came to join the party.

Doudou's eyelids beat for a while, then he said, "I'll let Grandpa nine do it for you."