Although Qiao moshang's children went to catch rabbits with the nature of playing, they did catch several when they came back. They just threw things back and ran to the wild after they came back, and Doudou didn't indulge for a long time. They went crazy on the grassland with some big ones and small ones.

When Jiuyin looks at Doudou like this, he blames himself. Is it because he is too tight to manage people? After he comes out to play, Doudou will become a different person.

However, in Ning Mengyao's view, Doudou's play is much more implicit than Qiao moshang's.

Situ Xuan and Mei Ruolin are not good at cooking, but they all come here to fight. They came out today and didn't bring green bamboo with them, so they had to do everything by themselves, but this feeling is also a very novel experience for them.

Qiao Tianchang follows Ning Mengyao, and the speed of handling food materials is not worse than that of Ning Mengyao.

Jiang Ying looks at Qiao Tianchang's quick action and is stunned by the bluff. How can he cook? The sun doesn't come out in the West today.

"Isn't it surprising? The first time we saw it, we were very surprised. But in fact, he can cook, and it's very delicious, but he seldom does it. " In fact, Qiao Tianchang cooks many times in recent years, but he doesn't have their share every time. He only cooks for Ning Mengyao and Qiao mofeng's four children, but other children seldom get the food he cooks.

This also confirms what he said at that time. He learned to cook only for his wife and children. What's the relationship with them?

And these years, he did it, not only did it, but also did it very well. He took care of ningmengyao's mother and son very well.

Jiang Ying thought it was incredible: "do you know what I looked like when I met him? His face is completely expressionless. It's like a slate laid at home. No matter what you do, he doesn't seem to be angry. I feel very surprised to see him smile now. But now you tell me that he can cook? It's just incredible. "

"You will get used to it gradually. In fact, Tianchang is a person who is cold outside and hot inside. After a long time of contact, you will understand." Yufeng laughs.

In fact, at the beginning, they also doubted whether the man would laugh, but when they saw him in front of Ning Mengyao, they immediately understood that he would not laugh, but his smile was different from person to person, and not everyone could see it.

Jiang Ying thought about it and thought that they were right: "you are right."

After helping Ning Mengyao to deal with the ingredients, Qiao Tianchang went to deal with the rabbit that Qiao moshang had beaten. The skillful action made people admire it. It's worthy of being a hunter at the beginning. They think they can't match the skill of peeling and plucking fur.

Jiang Ying looks at Qiao Tianchang speechless: "it seems that he hasn't done less in these years."

"Ha ha." Several people laughed.

Is that surprising? If he saw the appearance of Qiao Tianchang taking the children, wouldn't his eyes fall down directly?

Soon Qiao Tianchang dealt with the hare, and Doudou ran to Qiao Tianchang's side: "Dad, I want you to bake it."

"Good." Qiao Tianchang nodded and agreed.

"I'll eat it too, and see if it's really delicious." Jiang Ying continued.

"Want to eat? Do it yourself. " Joe said coldly.

"You can do it for your son. Why do you bake it for us?" Jiang Ying was dissatisfied: "besides, I'm still your son's master."

"The man who was thrown off his horse by my son is not qualified to say such a thing." Qiao Tianchang looked at Jiang Ying and said softly.

Jiang Ying suddenly felt deeply hurt by someone. Why is he always hurt?

"I deserve it." Purple spirit gloated.

"It should be my own business. What does it have to do with you? Noisy. " Jiang Ying looks at Ziling disgustedly and says.

Since the previous events, Jiang Ying can't see all kinds of things about Ziling, and she is very angry when she speaks. Now, when she hears that Ziling takes the initiative to pick things, is it OK?

Qiao Tianchang frowned tightly: "have you done enough?"