Jiang Ying snorted coldly, "who is making trouble?"

Ziling's face was also very bad. She was seldom treated like this, especially scolded.

"What do you mean, Jiang Ying?" Purple spirit can't bear to ask.

Ning Mengyao looked at them discontentedly: "today we are out to play, not to quarrel, to quarrel you go to one side to solve."

"I didn't quarrel with her. Who is to blame for her choice?" Jiang Ying snorted coldly and said very disdainfully.

What's the matter with him talking to Qiao Tianchang? She's everywhere, not noisy?


Qiao Tianchang looked at the two men, and his face was dark: "if you want to continue playing, don't talk anymore. If you don't want to play, turn around and leave immediately. We won't stop you." Qiao Tianchang said with cold eyes.

"Qiao Tianchang you..."

"Ziling, we are out to play today. It's good to be happy. And you, Jiang Ying, are you a big man and a girl. What do you mean?"

Jiang Ying picked up the eyebrows and didn't continue to choke with Ziling: "I listen to you, don't say it, OK?"

Jiang Ying didn't say anything, and Ziling naturally didn't need to say anything. If she said it, it would be a mess.

After dealing with the affairs between the two, Qiao Tianchang grilled the hare on the fire. Slowly, the fragrance came out. In addition, he sprinkled all kinds of seasonings on it, which made the taste even more needless. Jiang Ying looked at Qiao Tianchang covetously and said, "can I share a little with Tianchang?"

"I said, do it yourself."

"I won't."

"If you can't learn by yourself, you can't eat others' food. Don't come to my idea." Qiao Tianchang looks at Jiang Ying and frowns discontentedly.

Jiang Ying's eyelids beat. Why is this man so mean.

After Qiao Tianchang's hare is roasted, everyone is salivating, but they dare not really fight for it. Qiao Tianchang first cuts some meat on the legs of Doudou, and then gives Qiao mofeng a leg with tea and tea. The rest is given to Qiao moshang, who will share it with several children.

After the hare is divided, Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to continue to fight. Jiang Ying looks at Qiao moshang and eats happily with his share. After thinking about it, people have come to Qiao moshang's side to fight directly.

It's their own fault not to let them eat, but to seduce people here. It has nothing to do with him, right and right.

Qiao moshang is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. Seeing him come to grab it, he dodged away directly. They started to jump up and down the mountain with a hare leg, especially Jiang Ying.

In fact, Qiao Moshan has eaten these for many times. If Jiang Ying talks well, he can share some with him. Unfortunately, this man is just robbing at the first move. How can he treat such delicious hare legs without teasing him?

But he forgot that it was unreasonable for some people to eat, and Jiang Ying was one of them.

Jiang Ying can't grab it for several times, and then she begins to think awkwardly. At last, she really leaves Qiao moshang's leg.

After taking a bite, I found that the taste was really good: "Joe Tianchang, you can do it. It's really good."

After a few bites, he found something wrong. His stomach hurt so much. He looked down at the hare leg in his hand, grinned his teeth and stared at Jomo Shang. "You are intentional. You put medicine in it."

Qiao moshang was very innocent and said he didn't do anything: "what does it have to do with me? Do you want to blame me? In saying, I eat nothing, how do you eat something? That means you can't eat these things. You'd better save it. "

"You..." Jiang Ying wants to say something else, but her stomach is too painful. Before she can speak, she will be gone, leaving only one sentence: "I'm not finished with you."

Looking at the back of Jiang Ying's departure, Qiao moshang snorted coldly: "can't you finish with me? He's here to try and see who's up to him. "

Yufeng nodded with satisfaction: "well, very good."

Qiao Tianchang just keeps one eye open and one eye closed for Qiao moshang's prank. As long as his son doesn't suffer, nothing happens.