Qiao Tianchang took a deep look at him because of Jiang Ying's words. He had a very ironic smile on his lips. But Jiang Ying didn't see all of this.

Jiang Ying ate something casually and went back to his room. After he left, Qiao moshang suddenly announced, "I think what we usually do to Uncle Jiang can be used to deal with him."

They are usually crazy with the real Jiang Ying, but they are not as implicit and convergent as they are now.

Ning Mengyao's movements are stiff for a while, looking at Qiao moshang: "Shanger, what else do you want to do? Haven't had enough fun? "

"Of course not enough fun."

Ningmengyao took a deep breath and looked at him helplessly and said, "well, then you can continue playing. Don't give people to play and die." Ningmengyao's attitude shows her connivance to them.

Qiaomo shanghehe smiled: "don't worry, mom. We won't kill people, but is uncle Niang Jiang OK?"

When Qiao moshang asked, Qiao Tianchang's face suddenly turned dark. Only Qiao Moshan knew what was going on. He said, "he's all right. Don't worry. He'll get better soon. He'll probably wake up tomorrow."

"That's good."

After Jiang Ying returned to the room, the expression on her face changed. After thinking about it, she wrote a letter and sent it out.

The letter was intercepted before it left the general's office.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the letter in his hand and sneers. Can't bear it for only one day? It seems that they should let their sons play well with others. The provincial people really think that the general's residence will come and leave if they want to.

"Shanger treats people well. After all, the guest is the guest. Although the guest doesn't look like a guest, our host can't look like a host." Qiao Tianchang said with a sneer.

Joe Mo Shang nods heavily: "don't worry, Dad, I will make him unforgettable forever."

With Qiao Tianchang's normal, Qiao moshang is a blatant bully, who takes it for granted.

Sure enough, from the next day, Qiao Mo's means of mourning them are endless, only half a day to make people dizzy.

Qiao Mo mourns several people to surround the person that faints past, very abhorrent: "this faints past?"

"As expected, it's uncle Jiang."

"That is, brother Shang, what shall we do now? Do you want people to dry it here? " Xiao Mu looked at the people on the ground and asked curiously.

Jomo Shang's eyes turned a circle, then smiled insidiously: "of course not, I have something good to see with you."

Several children looked at the pills in Qiao moshang's hands, and their eyes were full of curiosity: "what's this, brother Shang? Medicine? "


"What is that?"

"It's a fruit."

"Fruit? What's the use of fruit? " Some children are more curious. What can make him so excited is certainly not a common fruit, right?

Jomo Shang smiled: "don't worry, you will know then."

Qiao moshang said while crushing the fruit in his hand, and then put it on Jiang Ying's face.

With a few children far away, Jomo sad eyes shining at there.

Soon they saw that there was a small black spot on the fainted face, and then there were two, gradually increasing.

Several children carefully looked at it, immediately shrunk their necks: "brother Shang so many ants? Will he not be killed? "

"No, it's probably going to wake up." And the face must be masked. Even if it's biting, it doesn't hurt much.

Sure enough, not long after Jomo Shang said it, people woke up, and then began to scratch their faces.

"Ah What's the pain? Why are there so many ants? " Jiang Ying said angrily while grasping.

"Uncle Jiang, you were lying on the ground. There are so many ants on the ground. They will surely climb on you." Jomo said solemnly.


Jiang Ying ignored them, got up from the ground and ran straight away.

When Qiao moshang saw that his face had been scratched, he couldn't help crying out: "Uncle Jiang, your face has been scratched. How can you not bleed?