In front of the river shadow footsteps stopped for a while, then with faster speed back to the room.

Xiao Mu went to Qiao Mo's side and said, "brother Shang doesn't mean anything."

"Yeah, it's not interesting. Let's go on horseback." Jomo Shang also felt that he was not interested. It was too boring to play with others. It's better to go riding and archery.


Thunder took Reese with them to leave behind, but Reese was not able to ride on her own, so she could only sit and watch. Fortunately, they didn't forget to play because they were young.

Jiang Ying returns to the room and looks in the mirror. The whole person is a little silly. He is really the same as Qiao moshang. His face is scratched, but strangely bloodless.

Looking at the skin on his face, Jiang Ying frowned. Thinking about Qiao moshang, his face changed. These people must have known that he was fake, but they were just showing him the drill.

He turned around and wanted to leave. When he got to the door, he was stopped: "where do you want to go?

Jiang Ying looks at the same Jiang Ying on the opposite side, and her face suddenly changes: "you Why are you here? "

"Why can't I be here? Or do you think I should be dead? " Jiang Ying said with a sneer, but the words he said embarrassed the fake Jiang Ying.

"Tut Tut, it's a shame that some children have made you use my face." Jiang Ying suddenly grabs each other's face and pulls the skin mask off his face. But when he sees each other's face, Jiang Ying is totally stupid.

This man has no face.

"Who are you?"

Fake Jiang Ying saw his face was seen, his face was suddenly on one side, and he started without saying anything.

The fight here soon shocked the people outside. When Ning Mengyao got the news, they rushed to see a faceless man who was fighting with Jiang Ying.

"I said, what are you doing standing there?" Jiang Ying can't hold on, she said.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other, and they make a move at the same time. When they feel the strength of each other, Qiao Tianchang is surprised. This man is totally different from the one he handed in before. His force value is much higher, but no, if his force value is really so strong, why are several children tossing him like that?

Looking at each other's face, Qiao Tianchang could feel a little from his breath, that is, the man seemed to be angry.

"Yao Yao, let's do it at the same time." Joe Tianchang said seriously.


Qiao Tianchang throws Jiang Ying out of the battle circle and moves with Ning Mengyao.

Jiang Ying, who had dealt with Qiao Tianchang, saw that he was so powerful now. He wanted to knock his head open to see what was in it and how a person could be so powerful.

"Now Qiao Tianchang is the real Qiao Tianchang. You need to see Jiang Ying clearly." Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang who was tangled with the Faceless Man and whispered.

Jiang Ying doesn't know why he looks at fengxiao, but the other side doesn't intend to continue to talk, so he turns his head and continues to focus on their fight.

Soon, Jiang Ying understood the meaning of fengxiao. Right now, he is the real one. He is cold and cruel, leaving no room for others. This Is the real Qiao Tianchang.

No matter how fierce the faceless man was, he was defeated in a short time under the siege of Qiao Tianchang and his wife.

"Qingshuang people left you and Nanyu, don't let people die."

"What do you think I will tell you? Don't even think about it. Soon the general's office will be gone. " The faceless man looked up at Joe Tianchang and said calmly.

"Do you mean that you have sent back the map of general's mansion? I'm really disappointed. Your map is here. " Qiao Tianchang takes out two letters.

At the beginning, he thought that the man could not bear to leave here, but later he thought it was wrong. After carefully studying these two pages of letter paper, one page had a map, the other was a code sign and some important places in the general's mansion.