When he saw the map in Qiao Tianchang's hand, the face less man's breath suddenly changed. Even if he could not see the expression on his face, Qiao Tianchang could get the result he wanted from his breath.

Qiao Tianchang squatted down to look at the Faceless Man: "do you think my general's mansion is so easy to enter? Or do you think the guards of our general's mansion are loose enough to do what you want? "

When they don't know, they may not be so defensive, but they all know that people are fake. If they still let people easily disclose the information of the general's office, then they should not mix?

"Nanyu is for you." Qiao Tianchang ignored the look of the Faceless Man and turned to look at Nanyu couple casually.


Ziling blinked and looked at them curiously: "can I come together?"

"If you want to come." Qingshuang looks at Ziling with a smile and says calmly.

Ziling reached out and touched his arm. He looked around doubtfully. "Why do I feel chilly?"

"After you've been with them, you'll know how it feels."

They didn't explain to Ziling. To be exact, Ziling was dragged away by Qingshuang before he could ask.

However, within half a quarter of an hour, Ziling ran out with a pale face.

"What? Are you not interested in playing with them? " Feng Xiao smiled unkindly.

Even they can't hold on to Qingshuang until they are asking the enemy. When they want information, they stay on the edge until they get the information, because the scene It's true that it's impossible for people to continue. It's not terrible, but it's too It's disgusting.

As soon as Ziling heard it, he didn't spit it out, and glared at fengxiao fiercely: "you don't speak, no one will think you are mute. Do you know that Mengyao's maid looks like this?"

It's just that the more you play, the more excited you are. It's just that the man of Qingshuang doesn't care at all, but thinks it's very good.

That's just a couple of perverts. How can they suffer from such perverts?

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Ziling. The expression on her face was reasoning, of course, but her heart was full.

Before encountering Nanyu, Qingshuang liked poison very much, but he didn't come to this point. After encountering Nanyu, this man was just a big change. He had a passion for poison. That's not enough. Nanyu, such a beloved wife and maniac, could get all the poisons Qingshuang wanted in various forms.

Then they went further and further on the abnormal Road, and even couldn't turn back.

Ziling went to drink some tea and pressed down the disgusting feeling in her heart. Then she looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "I don't know how they are so terrible. How did you suffer?"

"They don't do this to us. What can't we stand?" In Ning Mengyao has not yet talked about things, Mei Ruolin said casually.

No matter it's Qingshuang or Nanyu, they can't easily fight against them. In that case, what are they afraid of?

Ziling looks at meiruolin and says that she really has nothing to say. If such a person lives together every day, she will get goose bumps. If you think about their means, you will find it unacceptable.

"If you can't accept it, don't get close to them in the future. That's OK." Who's not a human being here? Seeing her like this, can't you guess what's on her mind?

"I didn't mean that. I just thought Think... "

"Well, no need to explain. Many people will subconsciously stay away after seeing Qingshuang and Nanyu." After all, the means of the two are really scary.

"Qingshuang and Nanyu are both very good." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Qingshuang and her friends have been with her for more than ten years. Although they are masters and servants in name, she regards them as sisters, so she doesn't want to see that someone misunderstood them. She doesn't like such things.