Ziling felt her nose awkwardly and said, "I know they are very good, but I think they can That's a little bit. "

"Then what is what? Miss Ziling, how about our husband and wife? It's all our business. If you don't accept it, we won't force you to accept it, but you don't want to interfere in our life. " Qingshuang comes out with Nanyu and says in a cold voice.

Ziling was frightened by the sound of Qingshuang. When she was in the dungeon, her voice was just like this. It was cold and had no emotion, just like there was no machine and no emotion.

"I didn't want to interfere in your life, but don't you think it would hurt others?" Purple Spirit said euphemistically.

"Miss Ziling, you also like poison. Will you give up liking poison because of other people's eyes? No, right? Since you can't do it yourself, what qualifications do you have to ask us to do it? " This is to eat too much to manage their affairs.

Nanyu light glanced at Ziling and said coldly, "our life doesn't need any change, and we don't think it will cause any harm to people."

If so, they won't treat him as well as their sister-in-law.

They raise poisons and plant poisonous herbs in the mansion, which is very clear to the eldest brother and his sister-in-law. But they never said anything. They always keep one eye open and one eye closed, as long as they like.

This woman who doesn't know where to come from, why, and what qualification to interfere in their lives? Who do you really think you are?

"That is, if you can't bear to see it, we won't force you."

Ningmengyao looks at the purple spirit and turns to see the Qingshuang couple: "how are you?"

Qingshuang and Nanyu shake their heads at the same time.

"Didn't ask?" Ningmengyao had some accidents. Someone could not tell the truth in the hands of the two people. It's powerful enough.

However, Qingshuang frowned and said, "it's not that he didn't ask, but that he died."

"You killed people directly?"

Qingshuang has a bad look at her young lady. Are they like this?

"No? According to your means, you shouldn't be unable to ask. " Ningmengyao reached out and touched her chin. It's even if she didn't ask, but she didn't even touch her chin? I think it's very impossible.

"It's kind of like a Dementor," Nan Yu said in a deep voice. "When people want to talk about it, they suddenly die."

Ningmengyao blinks doubtfully. How could it be like this? I died in this way.

Reaching for his chin, Yun Suran's eyes are thoughtful. If this is the case, things will not be so simple. When the clue comes here, it will break again. This is not a good thing for them.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder: "don't think about it, there will always be time to catch each other's feet."

"Xiaoyao Tianchang is right. The clue has been broken here. Then you should not think about it more. There will always be a time to find out everything." Although they also feel a little oppressed, there is no clue at present. They want to investigate, but they can't find it.

Ningmengyao strong pulled out a smile, but shook his head and said: "I know, but this feeling is not so good."

"It's the same with us. As long as they have actions, we can catch clues and find out people. It's foxes and their tails will show up."

"Yufeng is right. Yao'er, let's not think about it for the moment. It's about the desert. We just got the news from the desert. Wu Chong is gone. Wu Ziyun has taken control of all the forces in the desert. Now we are searching for him." Mu Chen looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ningmengyao reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He felt very painful. He didn't understand one thing yet. Another thing came again. Can he live a good life.