"If it was Wu Ziyun who was the Lord of the desert, he would probably do one thing."

"You mean that he will go to Qi Tian to talk about the marriage, right?" Ningmengyao doesn't have to guess what he wants to say.

Feng Xiao nodded: "yes, he came to see you, because you do not agree, and he will not give up sugar, so looking for Xiao Qitian is the only way."

Ningmengyao single hand tapping desktop, Qiao Tianchang's face is not very good, for a time the whole hall fell into silence.

"I said what are you doing suddenly so quietly? In saying, if you don't agree with it, then refuse it. As for this situation? " Ziling could not stand the atmosphere at all, so she said angrily.

They clearly want money, money and power. How can they send their women out? Is that too humiliating?

"Write to Qi Tian and tell him that Tangtang's marriage has been settled. Yaoyao and I chose it ourselves." Said Jo Tianchang suddenly.

"You mean Huangfu Qing?"

"Well, it's just an excuse. No one knows if Tangtang is really engaged. Tangtang is not here now, but it's a good explanation for Qi Tian. Those ministers are dissatisfied with us. They won't let Qi Tian go if they have a chance to block us. Although Qi Tian will help us, sometimes he can't help himself. It's better for him We let everyone know that our daughter Tangtang has been engaged, and good women can't marry each other. We all know this. If they want to do something that makes me unhappy when Tangtang has been engaged, then don't blame me for turning up my face and not recognizing people. " There are many ways he wants to crush a person, some of which will hurt people's muscles and bones, some of which will make people die without being buried, depending on the extent of those people's provocation.

"I think Jin Lei may be the first to bear the brunt." Now Jin Lei's family has been suppressed for a long time, and his family in law is even more so. She has received the news that the people of the family have secretly come to the border city.

At the same time, Jinlei's house is full of treasures, and his wife knows about two common people. Now they are making a lot of trouble.

Jin Lei is not an idiot. He can definitely guess what's going on. If an opportunity to get back at them is in front of him, he will definitely step in instead of flinching back.

"This is the best way. If he doesn't do it, how can I kill people directly?" Qiao Tianchang said naturally.

Ningmengyao also nodded seriously: "Tianchang is right. Now his Family-in-law won't continue to support him. Without the support of his father-in-law's family, Jin Lei can't even count as a tiger pulling out its claws. How can it threaten us?"

Feng Xiao and they all looked at the couple with a very strange look: "you two are really a perfect match."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"That's what they said, but are you sure that they will follow the direction you said? What if they don't? " After all, they have been beaten into this shape. If we want to continue to fight against others, isn't it our own death?

"Wouldn't it be better if they didn't do anything? But Jin Lei is not such a person who is good at patience and willing to swallow his voice. " As soon as such people catch the opportunity, they will bite back. They will have nothing to do. They can't do these things. They can't do them alive.

"I'm going to write to Qi Tian and have the matter announced before Wu Ziyun."


Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed her chin. She said regretfully, "if we know that Wu Ziyun is such a person, we should not help him."

She really regrets now. At that time, she just wanted to stabilize the relationship between the two sides. After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy, isn't it?

Who knows that it will be like this now? I think things are changeable and changing too fast.

"Yao doesn't have to think so much." At the beginning of such a child, who knows is such a radical person?