Ningmengyao leaned on meiruolin, and said gloomily, "sister Mei, why do you think my vision is so poor?"

"Why? You just think too much. Don't think so much. Be obedient. " Meiruolin patted the shoulder of afraid Ning Mengyao and said.

In fact, ningmengyao just said it casually without any other meaning. After the adults finished speaking, Qiao moshang said grimly, "if Wu Ziyun really dares to fight such thoughts, I will make him regret it."

"What do you want to do, little monkey?" Every time my son shows such an expression, he's ready for no good.

Jomo Shang shakes his head. What does he want to do? Of course, it's a lifelong lesson for Wu Ziyun.

In order to avoid him, sugar and sugar have been sent to the west coast, but now it's OK, not only mind, but also began to calculate them.

Is this the so-called white eyed wolf? The person who has gained the benefit but still wants to calculate the benefit for him.

"Little monkey, you are too grumpy." Ning Mengyao said with a straight face, but the eyes didn't look like that.

Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao, but his expression doesn't even change. That's obviously to say, you can pretend again.

"Come on, I won't tell you, but little monkey, if you want to teach people a lesson, don't be caught."

All of them look at Ning Mengyao without words, and they know that they will become like this. What good words do they expect her to say? It's impossible, especially in the face of children's affairs.

"Mother, am I such a stupid person?" Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks seriously.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, then shook her head: "no way."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"You're my son. I'm afraid you're not right for a moment?" Ning Mengyao is angry. Is there anyone like her to be a son?

"No." Jomo Shang shook his head.

Ningmengyao nodded with satisfaction. If this boy really wants to say something bad, she can throw people out directly.

"My mother is the best for me."

"I'll stay at the same time. What about peas?" These days, I can see the shadow of Doudou every day. Today, I suddenly don't see anyone, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Doudou is learning from Grandpa Jiu. I really want to learn, but I have no talent." Qiao Mo Shang spread out his hands and said very stiffly.

Think he is a genius to learn martial arts, right? But now he can't even make a small sound attack. His piano is not bad. How can he learn it? Jomo Shang said he was very upset.

For this point, Ning Mengyao is very ungrateful smile, the son of genius, finally met with something uncertain.

"Mother, are you really happy to see your son's jokes?" Qiao Mo Shang looked at his mother's smile. He felt his heart was filled. Did he kill her son?

"Well, don't play with you. If you want to learn, you can learn with Grandpa Jiu. If you can't, how about it?"

"What else?" Qiao Mo Shang was helpless.

The conversation between mother and son amused everyone.

However, green bamboo came in at this time: "the people of Madame Yue's family have arrived and want to see her once."

Ningmengyao looks at the green bamboo with a light eyebrow. Just now, people are coming. It's very fast.

"Just say I don't have time. I'm busy." When I meet her, does she have to?


Qingzhu went out to the door and looked at the dusty people. He smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, our wife went out this morning to deal with things, but she hasn't come back yet."

"And the general?"

"The general is in the barracks." Said the green bamboo without blinking.

At the first hearing of the moon family, some people's faces changed, while others said with a smile, "in that case, let's visit again another day." Then he put down the present and left.

After leaving the general's office, some of the Yue family members were not convinced: "they just intentionally didn't see us."

"So what?"

"Jin Lei offended them. Why do they involve us?"