The people on the side were scolded for some inexplicable: "what's the matter with us, young master?"

"What's the matter? What have you done? Now come and ask me what's wrong? " Yuehua was directly amused by their tone, and gave them a fierce look: "I'll settle accounts with you after I go back."

After returning to the tavern, everyone had just entered Yuehua's room, and a cup hit them.

"What have you done in this period of time?" Yuehua looked at them coldly and asked angrily.

"We What are we Nothing. " The leader's eyes are always moving around, so it's heart failure at first sight.

Yuehua looked at them and smiled coldly: "nothing? Are you kidding me? Lord Ning has told me everything. During this period in the border city, you yuan ran tried to bribe the officials and officials. Do you think this place can let you do what you want? This is the border city, not the capital city, not what you want to do. "

If it wasn't for Ning Mengyao that they believed in themselves, he really didn't know whether the matter could be solved successfully.

Several people were frightened by Yuehua's words and turned white: "here How is this possible? How do they know? " Although this does not directly say that they have done such a thing, it also indirectly shows that they have done such a thing.

Looking at them, Yuehua really wants to crack their heads to see if you are loading all straw.

"This is a border town. Now it's solid. All the officials here, big and small, only listen to general Qiao and his wife. What do you want to do to bribe the officials here? Is it to make people think we are not good at coming? " The more Yuehua thought about it, the more angry he was. How could his father let him bring something like that? He almost broke his story.

The people on the edge were scolded by Yuehua and dared not move. They were afraid that they would make this person angry again.

"But we are Isn't that what I want to do for you? "

"Help me? Are you doing me a disservice Yuehua said with a breath: "I know where this is and do such stupid things. When I go back, I really want to ask my father, are you really doing the business in your hands?"

"Young master, we know it's wrong." Several apologized in a hurry, with a flash of panic on their faces.

From this expression, Yuehua has more or less seen a bag of eyebrows.

"You know it's wrong? It's too late now. You'd better not let me catch any handle, or I won't be blamed for being rude to you. Get out of here and get ready to leave tomorrow. " The Moon said angrily.

"But young master, there is tongbaozhai..."

"You still have the face to mention it? Get out of here. " It's ok if we don't talk about this. Once we talk about this, Yuehua will be completely furious.

"Yes, let's go, right away." Several people looked at each other and saw their worries in their eyes. It seems that things are not as good as they thought. Just look at Yuehua's appearance now. He is so angry. It must be that this time's not successful. Otherwise, how can he be so angry? It's not only that people are angry, but also that they will leave tomorrow.

I messed up the matter. Several people are busy going back to discuss the countermeasures now. They have no time to say extra words.

After seeing these people off, Yuehua reaches out and rubs his eyebrows. It's better to give him a little peace, or he won't be blamed for being rude.

The next morning, Yuehua left the border town with people as expected. When he left, he didn't see ningmengyao. He believed that ningmengyao didn't want to see them now.

"Already gone?"

"Yes, it's out of town."

Ning Mengyao nodded thoughtfully, stood at the door and looked at the flowers outside, his eyes narrowed slightly: "when he returned to the capital, it's time for Wu Ziyun to come to the capital, right?"