The person on the side looked at Ning Mengyao's brow and frowned tightly: "Xiaoyao, I haven't understood until now. What are you calculating?"

At the beginning, it was still clear, but now it's totally confused. I don't know what she wants.

"Brother in law, I'm afraid that the letter sent back by Tianchang has reached Qi Tian's hands. Not only has it arrived, but also it has been known by those people in the capital." Ning Mengyao looked at the front and said with a smile.

"What does this have to do with your relationship with Yuehua?"

"Of course, it has something to do with it. Brother in law, think about it carefully. Not long after the news that sugar and sugar have been engaged, the future Lord of the desert will come and ask for marriage. The object is sugar and sugar. What do you think about it if it's you?" Ningmengyao turns to look at Yufeng.

"I'm sure you'll think you already know about it, so I see. You agree at this time that you want Yuehua to muddle up the water, and Jin Lei has something to do with the people in the desert. If that's the case, we can kill people directly without spending a little energy. Do you mean that? "

"Yes, that means we can't do it directly, but it doesn't mean we can't control it behind our back. We should guard against both of them, whether it's Jin Lei or Wu Ziyun." Ning Mengyao nodded and said.

"That's what I said, but Xiaoyao, aren't you afraid of any accidents?"

"I'm afraid. I'm not afraid, so Yuehua will go back at this time." Ningmengyao nodded. It's her daughter's business. How can she not worry? How can she not be afraid? But even if it's scared, so what?

"You are so powerful. Such things can be calculated. I admire you so much." Yufeng's mouth twitches.

He is also xiaoyao'er's military master, but sometimes, he really can't understand what Xiaoyao is thinking about and what she wants to do. She doesn't make sense at all. If she wants to do something, she will do it directly. She won't care about other things at all. But every time, the result is good and there won't be any bad ending.

After Yuehua left, Qiao Tianchang also came back: "Wu Ziyun has arrived at Xiaoguo, and will soon arrive at the capital."

"Yuehua has also left, and Wu Ziyun may have arrived back and forth." Ning Mengyao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Yao Yao, I'd like to go back in person."

When Qiao Tian thought about it, he still didn't feel relieved to put all the treasure on others. Even if these people were so fierce, there might be accidents in the end, especially when they were not in the capital.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "I'll go back with you. I'll see what Wu Ziyun can do."

Qiao Tianchang didn't want Ning Mengyao to follow him, but seeing her serious appearance, Qiao Tianchang couldn't find the reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

"OK, let's go back together. I've explained the matter here. Lei An, Shi Song and Feng Xiao will help to watch it, but I'm going to trouble you." Qiao Tianchang looked at Yufeng and said earnestly.

"Since we met Xiaoyao, we are born to work hard. Let's do whatever you need. We are here. We will take care of Shanger and Doudou." Yufeng waved his hand and said that he was disgusted, but he had a strong smile in his eyes.

"Thank you, brother-in-law. Let's go now. I'm afraid there will be some changes if we are late." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

There is another reason for her to go back this time. That is to say, if she wants to get rid of some people, the provincial people will feel that they can act recklessly if they are not in the capital.

Two people with Shanger and Doudou said a few words, and told Qiao mofeng to look after two younger brothers, this just left.

Half a month later, Qiao Tianchang and his wife went to Beijing secretly. No one knew that they had arrived in the capital.

As soon as they arrived in the capital, they didn't even return to the general's office, so they went directly to the palace.