When Xiao Qitian saw Qiao Tianchang and her husband, there was no accident: "Tianchang you are here."

"Well, how is it now?" Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao to one side and sits down. His eyes are cold.

"What else? You all guessed, didn't you? Otherwise you will not come back at this time. " Xiao Qitian shrugged and said casually that there was no estrangement between them because they had not seen each other for a long time.

"It seems that some people really want to die." Joe said coldly.

"Tianchang, the identity of Tangtang is destined to attract many people's attention to her. As long as she can marry Tangtang, she must be the only young lady in the general's mansion of the town and the only princess in tongbaozhai. This identity is enough for anyone to be moved. Now that she is engaged, what do you think of those people?" Xiao Qitian said with a helpless smile.

Joe Tianchang said, they all know these things: "I know that."

"Tian Chang Wu Ziyun will arrive tomorrow at the latest. You know his intention better than me." Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang seriously and said.

"It's because it's clear that we'll come here at this time. We won't make it difficult for you." Said Jo Tianchang.

"You know that's not what I mean." From Qiao Tianchang's attention to this matter, we can see that they don't like Wu Ziyun very much. How can they send their children to others if they don't like it?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qitian like that, and finally smiled: "of course I know you don't mean that, but Qi Tian can talk, we can make him shut up."

"You What do you want to do? "

"Then you will know." Dare to hit his baby's attention, don't blame him for his bad speech.

As expected, it's different from what Xiao Qitian said. Wu Ziyun arrived the next afternoon. This time, he brought a lot of things. It seems that he's really going to come to ask for relatives.

But Ning Mengyao smiled coldly and told people to prepare something.

Wu Ziyun is thinking about tomorrow's banquet in the palace. He doesn't know if he can succeed, but he can only fight. As long as their husband and wife are not here, he can get what he wants.

Despite the news that sugar and sugar have been engaged outside.

He would not believe the news. He thought it was the news that they were not willing to give him care of sugar and sugar, so they released it.

"Your Highness, do we really want to do that? This will cause their discontent to Mrs. Joe. " Wu Xuan said with some concern.

"They have long been dissatisfied with me. As long as sugar and sugar can be my wife, what can they do to me? Can you still kill me? " Wu Ziyun said casually, his eyes full of ruthlessness and determination.

Wu Xuan looks at Wu Ziyun like this. He doesn't know how to advise. How could Mrs. Qiao let Miss Tangtang go to places like the desert? The master didn't realize it at all.

"But your highness..."

"No, but get ready now."

Wu Xuan smiled helplessly and nodded. What else could he do? Nothing can be done but to listen to him.

The next night, Wu Ziyun stepped on time to the palace and brought a lot of things.

"I have seen emperor Xiao."

"You don't need to be polite, your highness. I don't know if this is..."

"I come here today to marry Xiao Guo for a hundred years." Wu Ziyun said earnestly.

The ministers on the side were immediately in a rage. The emperor had only one son and no princess. It was hard not to choose the marriage object in each family? Thinking of the ministers' different thoughts, there was no redundant expression on their faces.

"I have no princess in Xiaoguo."

"I know that the person I want to see is general Qiao's daughter, Miss Qiao Yumo, not others." Wu Ziyun opened his mouth with a smile.

The people in the hall, looking at Wu Ziyun at the same time, didn't expect that the only daughter of general Qiao would be the one they saw.

"You mean sugar. If so, you will be late. Sugar has been engaged and is now at her fiance's house."