"Is it true or not? I'm sure I'll let general Joe see it." It's clear that he doesn't believe the truth of the matter: "and it's not good to marry the desert, is it?"

At the same time, Wu Ziyun's vision seems to be on Jin Lei.

"Emperor, this is what I brought here to ask to marry Miss Qiao." Wu Ziyun clapped his hands, and the people beside him opened the box one by one. There were many things in the box, which were also very precious. But Xiao Qitian wanted to ask him if he knew that Mengyao was the richest man in the mainland. She didn't know that these things were rare at all. Did he really know or pretended not to know?

At a glance, Jin Lei hurriedly said, "the emperor thinks that his seventh highness is a real man, and he is a rare good man. Will you agree?"

"Yes, the emperor."

With Jin Lei's opening, soon someone will join us. Wu Ziyun's mouth is full of a smile, and Xiao Qitian just looks at them.

Until they found the atmosphere was wrong and shut up, Xiao Qitian looked at Chen Feng and said, "what do you think of the prime minister?"

"The state of Xiao does not need to consolidate its position through marriage."

"The prime minister said that the state of Xiao can develop to this point, all of which come out one foot at a time, and do not rely on marriage to expand its strength." Now the couple of the escort are not here, but it's hard to guarantee that they won't know what happened here. They really want to help Wu Ziyun. At that time, Jin Lei will be their end.

"The prime minister is wrong. One more friend is better than one more enemy."

"I don't know when it will take my daughter to make friends with Xiao." Qiao Tianchang's domineering voice sounded at the door.

This familiar voice makes the people in the main hall excited, especially the one who just helped Jin Lei speak.

"I don't know when my daughter became a victim of power. Who gave you courage? Can you calculate the princess of tongbaozhai? " It's said with internal power. The voice exploded in the hall. It's nothing to do with the arrival of military officers. Civil servants are unlucky. One third of the people were shocked by Ning Mengyao's internal power and spit blood. These are the people who just helped Jin Lei to send their daughter to the desert.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the people present and led Ning Mengyao to the front: "see the emperor."

"Free seat."

Qiao Tianchang went to one side and sat down, while Ning Mengyao went to Wu Ziyun's face, looked at his pale face, but forced it on, and smiled coldly: "Wu Ziyun we told you before, you and sugar are impossible, it seems that you take my words as a decoration."

"Auntie, I mean it."

"My wife can't bear your aunt. Do you mean it? You want to buy my daughter back with this? My daughter is very valuable. Why don't you know? And I'll tell you, sugar and sugar have been engaged, so you'd better put your mind on me. "

"I won't give up. I can give her everything I can."

"What can you give? You mean all this rubbish? " Ningmengyao clapped her hands. A group of people came in carrying a large number of boxes. Ningmengyao opened the boxes one by one.

Dongzhu, night pearl, rare pink pearl and all kinds of things dazzled everyone. The only thing in common is that these things are all precious and valuable treasures.

Ningmengyao picked up an adult fist sized night pearl, put it in her hand and squeezed it hard. The night pearl turned into powder instantly, followed by Dongzhu and pearl.

"See? Do you give these things to my family until the sugar is used for anything? She is used as a toy, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. My daughter's clothes are made of invaluable snow silk. If they are made of the most exquisite jade, they can eat in the sky and swim in the water. As long as she likes, we can get them for her. She wants to learn poisons. We can find all the poisons and poisonous herbs for him. We want to learn Qin. We can create a unique warm for her Yuqin, there are many more. Wu Ziyun, do you think this little thing can support my daughter? " Ning Mengyao looked at Wu Ziyun and said sarcastically.

These words are not for fun. They are all facts. Would you like to go to a place like the desert to enjoy the sugar and sugar? That's impossible.