Ning Mengyao watched Qiao Tianchang still sitting there without saying a word, and was more worried.

Qiao Tianchang pulls the anxious Ning Mengyao to his side and sits: "I can tell you, but you don't have to worry too much, you know?"

"I see. Tell me what it is." Ning Mengyao nodded and agreed.

Qiao Tianchang hands the letter to Ning Mengyao to show her what happened in the border town.

Ningmengyao's face is very ugly after reading: "he dare."

"I know you will be angry. Can I tell you that?" This girl is not good at this point. She gets angry when she can't move. Although the anger is normal, because he is also very angry, but now it doesn't work at all, but it makes her uncomfortable. In this case, what is it about being angry?

Ning Mengyao did not look at Qiao Tianchang angrily. "Can I be angry?"

"I told Qi Tian that we should go back to the border city. I'm not sure." Qiao Tianchang did not say.


However, "what does Wu Ziyun mean?" Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Yufeng also shook his head, some don't understand, this Wu Ziyun to do this is not only to show them?