When Wu Ziyun left Xiaoguo, he turned around and looked at the border town like a cloud. His lips raised a cold smile, and soon this place would become his.

"Your Highness, shall we go now?" Wu Xuan asked in a low voice.

"Well, get out of here." Wu Ziyun turns and leaves.

These days, their actions must have made them suspect. He can be sure that Ning Mengyao has already returned to this place. If so, it will be more successful, right?

When Wu Ziyun left, the bad feeling in Ning Mengyao's heart didn't disappear. He always woke up in his sleep, as if something had happened, but nothing special happened.

Yu Feng and they looked at Ning Mengyao and couldn't help worrying: "what's the matter with you, Xiaoyao? What do you look like now? "

Ning Mengyao shook her head: "I don't know. I just feel like something is going to happen. I feel very flustered."

Yufeng and Muchen have a look at each other for a long time. They know how accurate ningmengyao's intuition is and how hard things happen, but they don't know?

"I think it's because Tianchang isn't there that you're just thinking." Feng Xiao smiled at Ning Mengyao and said.

Ningmengyao's body is stiff: "yes, it's Tianchang."

He hasn't heard from anyone for more than a month. No matter where he went before, he would ask Xiaohei to come back to send her a letter. But this time, not only Xiaohei, but also Dahei, is gone. Something must have happened to him.

"No, I'm going to find him." Ning Mengyao hurriedly got up and said anxiously.

"Well, xiaoyao'er, Tianchang is not a child. Besides, he is so powerful. He will be OK. Don't think so much." Yu Feng says helplessly.

"Yes, Yao'er's martial arts are so good. It's going to be OK. You can wait. I'm not sure he's on his way back." Mei Ruolin has never seen Ning Mengyao like this.

Ningmengyao still wanted to say something, just saw their worried eyes, and finally said nothing, just forced out a smile and nodded helplessly.

After waiting for a few days, Ning Mengyao couldn't wait any longer, but the feeling in her heart couldn't be suppressed. Not only that, but it also became more and more intense, which made her dislike it very much.

Just thinking about it, Ning Mengyao said to them and was ready to go out. As soon as she got to the door, she saw the familiar figure at the door. Ning Mengyao finally smiled on her face. As soon as she was about to walk by, she saw Qiao Tianchang holding a woman from the carriage, who was about 20 years old. Qiao Tianchang looked at each other with a very spoiled look 。

She is very familiar with this look. Qiao Tianchang used to look at her with this look, but now it falls on others.

"Tianchang, are you back? This is? "

Qiao Tianchang turns to look at Ning Mengyao, frowns tight, eyes full of strange to her: "this is my wife, who are you?"

Ningmengyao had not recovered from Qiao Tianchang's strange eyes, so she heard him ask who she was.

"What did you just say?" Ning Mengyao asked again if she didn't believe it.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" Qiao Tianchang said again impatiently.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and the smile on her face can no longer be maintained: "who am I? I'm your wife of ten years, Ning Mengyao. "

"What are you talking about? I'm not married at all. How can I have a wife? "

"Hahaha, what am I talking about?"

"Who is Tianchang?" Qiao Tianchang's woman frowned at Ning Mengyao and asked.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I don't know him. I haven't married at all. How can I have such a wife? Don't listen to her nonsense."

Ningmengyao stood in the same place, watching Qiao Tianchang comforting other women in a soft voice, seeing that everything that had been on him had fallen on others, ningmengyao suddenly felt very ironic.

Ningmengyao stands at the same place and looks at Qiao Tianchang holding the woman back. Seeing the woman show a winning smile to her, ningmengyao suddenly smiles. Hehe's been in love for ten years. Once she becomes sad, is this God's punishment for her?