"It's Madame." The housekeeper turned around and left without even paying attention to Qiao Tianchang.

They like their wife very much. Now the general has turned into this. I really don't like it. And the guaniang. What's that look like? It's so soft and weak that people don't like it.

Ning Mengyao put her back to her hands and smiled at Qiao Tianchang: "I forgot to tell you that all the people in this place are selected by my husband. Since my husband is gone, they naturally listen to me alone."


"I'm still saying that. As long as you write a divorce certificate and destroy these two jade pendants, I'll leave here at once." After that, Ning Mengyao turned around and left, straight and stubborn.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the jade plate in his hand and held it tightly until he felt a stabbing pain in the palm of his hand.

"How can Tianchang do this? This is your general's mansion." Said Rose discontentedly.

Qiao Tianchang didn't speak, but looked at the back of Ning Mengyao's departure for a long time.

After returning to the yard, Ning Mengyao's strength disappeared: "ah..."

For a moment, the pain filled my heart. Ning Mengyao went back to the room, closed the door, fell on the ground with her back against the door, covered her chest, and Ning Mengyao whimpered.

How strong and powerful she was just now, and how painful she is now. Although he didn't write a letter of divorce or destroy the two jade pendants, his strange eyes made her unable to accept them.

For a whole day, Ning Mengyao fell to the ground and did not speak or do anything. She just stared at the front, her eyes were empty and tears were flowing in her eyes.

Qiao Tianchang has been looking for an opportunity to find Ning Mengyao, but he has been closed.

When Ryan heard the news, he left the things in the barracks and ran to see Qiao Tianchang talking and laughing with a woman.

Ran to him in a hurry and punched Joe Tianchang in the face.

"Ryan, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Joe Tianchang, why don't you ask yourself what you've done? How much pain and tears did sister-in-law have for you? For you, she almost became the enemy of all countries, but when you are good, now you even kiss me here with other women. I really don't deserve to be my sister-in-law. She is so good, so excellent. Why do you treat her like this? " Ryan was really angry. When he heard the news, he thought he had heard it wrong. But when he saw it with his own eyes, his anger could not be suppressed.

Qiao Tianchang frowned: "I don't know her."

"No? Do you know me? "

"Lei An, don't talk so much to such ungrateful people. Let's go to Yaoyao." Yang Lele pulls Lei An and says disgustedly, then looks at Qiao Tianchang: "I really don't deserve to replace Yao Yao."

Qiao Tianchang looks at two people who come and leave quickly. His eyebrows are wrinkly. He doesn't remember this woman clearly. Why do they say that it's her wife when they come back? Why are they so angry?

Rose son looks at Qiao Tianchang like this, eyebrow is tiny wrinkly: "Tianchang she really is your wife?"

"Don't think too much." Qiao Tianchang smiles to appease, but his heart doesn't know where to fly.

When Lei An and Yang Lele came to the main courtyard, they saw Ning Mengyao standing on the edge of the pond in a white suit and long hair.

"Madame, please advise our wife. She hasn't eaten or drunk for two days or two nights." The servant girl on the side saw Lei An and her two, just like seeing the straw for life.

"Here you are." Ning Mengyao did not turn around, whispered.

Yang Lele looks at ningmengyao like this, and is very distressed. She feels that she has not seen her for a few days, and her figure seems to be thin and many.

"Are you OK, sister-in-law?" Lei An looks at Ning Mengyao and asks anxiously.

"Nothing. What can I do?"