"Would you like something to eat, Yao Yao?" Yang Lele went to the side and put the porridge on the table in front of Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao shook her head gently: "I'm not hungry. I'll eat when I'm hungry."

"I don't believe it. Would you like some?" Yang Lele kept shaking her head. She didn't believe Ning Mengyao's words.

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele's worried look, with a light smile on her face, and takes the bowl in Yang Lele's hand and eats it.

Yang Lele saw that she had eaten and smiled happily, but the smile didn't last long, because Ning Mengyao suddenly spit blood after eating half a bowl of porridge.

"Cough..." Ning Mengyao covered her mouth and coughed. The blood flowed out of her fingers and the bowl fell to the ground.

"How can Yao Yao do this? Ryan, go to find Qingshuang and Fenger. Hurry up. " Yang Lele cried out in horror, holding down Ning Mengyao.

"I'm fine." Just said three words, a mouthful of blood and spit out.

Lei'an is also frightened by ningmengyao's appearance: "take care of your sister-in-law and I'll be back soon."

Ryan hurriedly ran out, met Qiao Tianchang in front, and was stopped by Qiao Tianchang: "Ryan, what are you doing?"

"Go away." Lei An hits Qiao Tianchang directly in front of him. When He staggers back, Lei An leaves with his lightness skill.

Before Qiao Tianchang could get angry, he saw a little servant girl running over in a hurry and stopped him: "what's the matter?"

"What does it have to do with you? Madame will be like this. It's all your fault. Don't come here to be hypocritical. " The servant girl pushes Qiao Tianchang away and runs away without saying anything.

But just walked a few steps, was grabbed by Joe Tianchang: "what's the matter with her?"

"It's nothing to do with you. Just go and live happily with your new lady. What's the matter with our lady?"

"Never say I killed you again."

"Even if you kill me, you can't change the fact that you are a heartbreaker, you can't change the fact that you are ungrateful." The servant girls are not afraid of Qiao Tianchang at all. The lady is so nice to them. Why do they want to be like this now?


The housekeeper ran over at this time and rescued the servant girl from Qiao Tianchang's hands: "what happened."

"The housekeeper's wife fainted from vomiting blood. Please call the doctor."

"What? Go back and take care of your wife. If you want anything to go to the warehouse, I'll call the doctor now. " After the steward had ordered, he left in a hurry.

As soon as Qiao Tianchang heard that Ning Mengyao was in a coma of vomiting blood, he ran out without waiting for what they said.

Yang Lele looked at the people coming in: "what are you doing here? Do you want to see if she's dead? "

"I just came to have a look."

"Yaoyao has nothing to do with you now. You don't need to be here crying and crying. You have to get out of here." Yang Lele walked to the door and stopped people, saying nothing to let people in.

Qiao Tianchang is a little fidgety. He reaches for Yang Lele's cave. Then he goes to the bedside and looks at Ning Mengyao, whose face is as white as paper. Her white clothes are full of blood. Her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled.

How on earth did she hurt herself like this?

With his hand clasped on Ning Mengyao's wrist, Qiao Tianchang frowned tightly.

Just want to help people up, was pushed away by a person.

"What are you doing?" Yu Feng looked at Qiao Tianchang with murderous eyes and said angrily.

"I just want to heal her."

Yu Feng looks at Qiao Tianchang and laughs coldly: "xiaoyao'er's injury has us. You don't need to get in the way here. You throw people out in fengxiao Muchen. I think Xiaoyao doesn't want to see him when he wakes up."

Looking at Ning Mengyao like that, Yufeng can't be heartbroken. They just left for two days. How could people become like this? How could this happen?

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang and says, "go out, I don't think I need you here."


"Come on, she will be like this. You hurt her. She loves you like life. Now you treat her like this. Joe Tianchang, do you want her life?" How much love, how much pain, especially to see the man he loves bring back with other women, will once belong to her doting, tolerance, love to others, but also look at the beloved, sleep with other women, but to her is a stranger, this is fatal to Ning Mengyao.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the person on the bed, but sees nothing but a shadow.