Even when he went out, Qiao Tianchang stood at the door and didn't leave. Although he said that he didn't know ningmengyao, his heart was as painful as being pulled by someone when he saw her lying on the bed without a sound.

"Qingshuang, how is Xiaoyao?" Yu Feng looks at the green frost and says anxiously.

After Qingshuang felt the pulse for ningmengyao, his face changed. Looking at ningmengyao, his eyes were complicated. It seemed that he didn't know what to do.

"Is Qingshuang Xiaoyao OK?" A question and answer from Yu Feng.


"But why do you spit blood?" As soon as Yang Lele heard that it was ok, he immediately wondered how he could make himself like this since he was OK? After just a few mouthfuls of porridge, I vomited blood. I'm still in a coma.

"The lady did it herself." Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao and says complicatedly.

"What? What's the matter with Qingshuang Xiaoyao

"I have suffered a very serious internal injury, and all my organs have been seriously injured. This should be caused by the young lady herself." Qingshuang sighs at ningmengyao and says helplessly.

They were all stunned, even Qiao Tianchang outside.

"I'll treat Xiaoyao now." Then she sat on the bed and began to help her heal her wounds. But before long, Ning Mengyao spat out with a mouthful of blood. Her face was not a little beautiful, but more ugly.

Yu Feng hurriedly took back his hand and was at a loss: "Qingshuang......"

"Young master Yufeng's body can't stand such domineering internal power now, which can not only mend her wounds, but also make people hurt more seriously." Qingshuang makes such a conclusion after she feels the pulse for ningmengyao.

Yufeng suddenly looked stupid. How could it be like this: "can't we just look at Xiaoyao like this?"

Qingshuang shook his head in a complicated way: "No."

"What's the way for Qingshuang to say directly? What's the matter with your hesitation?" Yufeng looks at Qingshuang's spitting and disgruntled appearance. What's the matter with this girl? Say something in a nutshell.

Qingshuang felt his nose awkwardly: "the only one who can heal the young lady with his internal power. His martial arts are the same as those of the young lady, and the internal power between them is complementary..."

Yufeng's eyelids beat for a while. If you know it's Qiao Tianchang's help, Yufeng won't ask.

Qingshuang knew that Yaofeng would look like this after knowing: "Yufeng young master......"

"Take care of it slowly. Let's take Xiaoyao away."

"No, the present lady can't stand such turbulence. She can only take a good rest."

Yufeng's eyelids kept beating, and he glared at Qingshuang viciously: "can we really let that guy come to heal Xiaoyao?" It's so diaphragmatic.

Qingshuang is also very helpless. She looks at Yufeng and says, "but if he doesn't help, you can't get better without half a year. We all know what kind of character you are. You can be cruel to others, but you can be more cruel to yourself."

"You listen to Qingshuang. Now Xiaoyao's body is the most important." Meiruolin said with a frown.

When they were discussing whether to let Qiao Tianchang help them, Qiao Tianchang at the door had stepped in first, walked to the bedside, helped Ning Mengyao up, put his hand on her back, and began to heal her.

Their words, he heard, looking at the woman in front of him, eyes with complexity and loss, do they really have such a strong relationship? Strong enough for her to treat herself like this? How painful is it for her to make her body look like this?

Yufeng and their faces darkened as they looked at the man they knew. Qiao Tianchang sat on the bed and treated her angrily. They almost dragged him out and beat him violently.

This damned guy, isn't it because of her, will Xiaoyao be like this? Now it's better to come here and pretend. It's annoying to look at it.