But he is not such an unreasonable person. He knows that he can't be disturbed now. Otherwise, Xiaoyao's situation may be more uncomfortable.

About an hour later, Qiao Tianchang took back his hand. In the moment when he took back his hand, Yu Feng pulled up the man: "what do you want?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at his face without any extra expression, just looked at the person and said in a deep voice: "I don't know why I forget all things related to her, but I want to save her, I don't want to see her like this."


Looking at Qiao Tianchang, Ziling suddenly came to his side, grabbed his hand and put it to his mouth and bit him severely.

Qiao Tianchang feels tingling and wants to get rid of Ziling, but Ziling first lets go of her hand.

Yufeng and they watched Ziling at the same time. After drinking some Qiao Tianchang's blood, Ziling's face turned pale instantly. Her hands tightly held the clothes on her chest, and her face was full of pain.

Feng Xiao hurriedly walked over and looked at her worried, "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine. You two, Qingshuang Nanyu, come with me." Ziling shook his head, covered his chest and stood up straight, calling the two men on the top to say.

"Ziling, what are you

"He is poisoned. He is extremely poisonous. We have to study what kind of poison it is. If I guess correctly, it may be because of this poison that he will lose all his memories of Mengyao." Ziling's breathing became faster and faster, and her face became more and more white.

They didn't see that Ziling used his own body to study these poisons, but they had never seen Ziling suffer so much.

"Well, let's go."

Qiao moshang heard that Qiao Tianchang was like this, probably because of the poisoning, he tightly pressed his lips, walked out a long time later, and then came in with two or three books.

Go to Qiao Tianchang's face, look at Qiao Tianchang and say: "this is what my mother recorded every day since she was pregnant with me. There are every bit of your life in it, you You can have a look. "

In fact, he also saw it by accident. When he saw it for the first time, he felt very warm, especially on one page, it said that when he felt his fetal movement, Qiao Tianchang was so happy and stupid, and the happiness between the lines made him feel so warm and warm, as well as the gift that his mother prepared for her after pregnancy. At that time, they What's your mood.

Qiao Tianchang was stunned, then nodded, looked at Qiao moshang, opened his mouth, and finally just said three words: "I'm sorry."

Qiao moshang shook his head and didn't talk. When he saw Ning Mengyao become like this, he hated Qiao Tianchang very much in his heart. But when he heard that Qiao Tianchang was likely to be like this because of poisoning, he felt very bad in his heart. Looking at Aunt Ziling, he knew that the poison must not be ordinary Otherwise, she would not suffer like that.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and went to one side to sit down. He didn't intend to leave.

Yufeng looks at Qiao Tianchang and suddenly says, "Xiaoyao likes to eat the rice you cooked."

Qiao Tianchang brick looked at Yu Feng, eyes full of consternation, but also with disbelief asked: "I can cook?"

"Well, I learned it from Xiaoyao." Yufeng nodded. Looking at Qiao Tianchang, he really felt a little frustrated. He wanted to beat people. But he thought that he was poisoned. If he didn't beat him, he felt a breath in his heart. He couldn't go up or down. It was very uncomfortable.

Joe Tianchang Oh, put some thick books in his hand to one side and went to the kitchen.

Yufeng's eyelids twitch. How does Qiao Tianchang feel so obedient? When he has memories, he is not so cute and obedient.

Reaching out and touching his chin, it seems that he looks very good, at least he can bully people.

Qiao Mo Shang looks at Yu Feng and shakes his head speechlessly to bully his father? Save it. Don't be bullied.

An hour later, Qiao Tianchang came in with porridge. The taste made Yu Feng salivate: "is there ours?"

"With him, without you."