"Haven't you been in charge of these things lately?" Ningmengyao's eyelids beat, but asked.

"I have no time. I have left the affairs in the barracks to lei'an. They are the ones who resist the wind. I have ignored them. They should be more clear." Qiao Tianchang spread out his hands and said.

Ning Mengyao looked at the man who was taken for granted as the shopkeeper and said nothing: "you are not afraid of their strike."

"Dare Ryan? As for keeping out the wind, they will not If they strike, it means that Ning Mengyao will come to deal with these things. Such things will not happen. After all, they love Ning Mengyao very much. How can they make her suffer?

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with tears and smiles: "are you determined to eat them?"

Joe Tianchang nodded naturally: "yes."

"I rest." She didn't know how to go on with the man. It was shameful.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "go to sleep."

When Ning Mengyao fell asleep, Qiao Tianchang went to find Qingshuang and went to see the purple spirit who was not good for him: "are you ok?"

Ziling was still weak on the bed: "it's OK. I can jump around in a few days. I didn't expect that there was such a tyrannical poison in this place. I can't even bear it."

"No antidote?"

The purple spirit white Qiao Tianchang one eye: "where comes the antidote? The antidote of this thing is emotion. I haven't come to your level. There is no antidote. I never take antidote Ziling said casually.

Qiao Tian thought about it and looked at Ziling and said, "if you need anything, you can say it directly."

"Come on, if it wasn't for Mengyao, I wouldn't mind my own business." The purple spirit left to curl the mouth, discontented of say.

Although there was some unhappiness between the two before, Ning Mengyao was also very good to her. In this place, the most familiar person was Ning Mengyao. She would feel at ease when she looked at Ning Mengyao.

I saw ningmengyao's face was gray, and she was lifeless in bed, which made her very sad, so she made such a move. Although it made her uncomfortable for a long time, she did not regret it.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ziling for a while, then said, "thank you."

"Don't say thank you to me. You just have to be better to her." Ziling looked at Qiao Tianchang and said lightly.

Only in this way can she firmly believe that there is a real love in the world, which can make her look forward to love.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "I will."

"This is for you."

"You did it?" Ziling looked at the food box in Qiao Tianchang's hand and asked.

"Well, it was cooked together for Yao Yao, but only once." Said Jo Tianchang.

Ziling laughed and her eyes were full of excitement: "that's great. They all said that the food you cooked is very delicious. I haven't eaten it yet."

Joe Tianchang's mouth twitched a little. He felt that the change of this man was too big, which made him feel powerless to fight.

"You have a good rest. I have something to deal with."

"Well, be careful of that woman. If you can get rid of that woman as soon as possible." When Qiao Tianchang came to the door, Ziling suddenly said.

That woman is not a good person. If she were someone else, she would have acted for a long time? After all, she has been in the air for such a long time, but now she is still like a nobody. She doesn't go to Qiao Tianchang to do anything. It's really doubtful what she is doing.

Qiao Tianchang's steps stopped for a moment: "I know."

After Qiao Tianchang left, Ziling's eyes flashed fiercely. If that woman dared to make any moths again, she would let that woman know what it means to be miserable and what it means to be miserable.

"Ziling, are you really OK?" Qingshuang comes in with the medicine and looks at Ziling.

Ziling smiled and shook his head: "I'm ok, and I'm almost OK."