Ziling twisted her neck, spread out her hands and looked at her fingernails. The black on them has faded a lot. Now she can only see a little bit. After all the black has faded, she will almost be OK.

"Then I'll be relieved, but I'm really curious. What's the matter with your constitution?" If you are poisoned, you can get better without poison.

"Me? I should be considered a poisonous man. " Purple spirit whispered.

In fact, she was not like this, she will become like this, is also forced by people.

"How can you make yourself like this?"

"A lot of things can't be done if I don't want to. Only in this way can I live to the present. Oh, Qingshuang, if you care about me like this, I will be embarrassed. Besides, if your family man knows about it, he will cut my head." Purple spirit a face afraid of the opening said.

Green frost flushed purple spirit to turn a big white eye, can the real person speak well? See what this looks like?

Purple spirit ha ha of smile: "green frost actually I envy you very much."

Envy Qingshuang has such a man who dotes on her heart.

After Qiao Tianchang went to see Ziling, he planned to go to Yufeng and lei'an and ask them all about the recent affairs in the mansion, and what happened to lei'an, the border guard.

However, just after going out, I saw the rose coming this way.

In this period of time, Qingshuang has developed a drug to suppress the love forgetting pollen. He has always been wearing it to prevent such things from happening.

Rose son saw Qiao Tianchang didn't speak, just opened a pair of eyes, eyes misty looking at him.

"What's the matter? If it's OK, I'll leave first. I have a lot to do. " Qiaotianchang saw that qiang'er was just blocking his way, and he didn't speak. He immediately said, with obvious impatience on the bottom of his eyes.

Qiang'er couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang: "Qiao Tianchang, how can you do this to me? I've been here so long, but you've left me aside, and you've been with that woman every day. Are you right about me? "

"You said you saved me, but I don't have such a memory. I also recognize that you are my Savior. Yes, but you're not my wife. I'm innocent with you. Please don't say such misleading words." Qiao Tianchang frowned tightly and said.


"I said I would repay you, but I will not marry you." When Qiao Tianchang wants to open her mouth, this interrupts her words and says her own thoughts.

Rose son looked at Qiao Tianchang, who didn't want to let him say a word, and her face was very ugly: "Qiao Tianchang, is that what you do to me? Before I vowed to marry you, I didn't mean to pester you. "

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Rose's son and smiled: "don't you mean to pester me? I'll buy you a mansion, then I'll give you some money and two more shops, so that you can live here. "

He didn't know how to open his mouth, but now he can't tear his face directly with this man, so now that qiang'er has put it all forward, he won't let it go.

Rose son was choked by Qiao Tianchang, she just said casually, how did she become like this?

"I I don't mean that. I don't want your things. I just want to be with you. " Said rose in a panic.

Qiao Tianchang turned around and looked at qiang'er, and slightly raised his mouth: "I also said that my wife will only have one person, and I will not take a concubine."

Rose son can't believe to look at Qiao Tianchang, how also didn't expect this person can say such words unexpectedly, what is he can't take a concubine?

"Joe Tianchang, you bastard, you let me go? OK, I'll go. " Rose son gas turns around to walk, Qiao Tianchang stands in place looks at her to leave the back.

And a person who says he wants to leave, but he is so slow. Do you think he will go after him? He didn't mean that.

Can't walk through the gate. Qiao Tianchang leaves directly with lightness skill.

Rose son has been waiting, waiting for Qiao Tianchang to catch up with her, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't hear anything. She turned around in doubt, but there was no one left behind. When did Qiao Tianchang leave.