After seeing Ziling leave, Qingshuang went to the place where she lived.

Now the place where their husband and wife live, although they are OK or will not pass, Qingshuang is very satisfied.

When Ziling returned to the room, she thought about all kinds of things after meeting ningmengyao. At first, she had to stir up the relationship between ningmengyao's husband and wife, and then the people around did not like her very much, whether it was Jiangying or fengxiao.

Later, she lost this idea because of Ning Mengyao, but slowly found that she could not integrate into their circle no matter what she did, just like they were deliberately rejecting her.

This time, she did it for Ning Mengyao. When she was suffering for several days and weak for such a long time, she actually regretted it. Did she think it was too bad to do it for others?

But Qingshuang took care of her, and Qiao Tianchang, who never made food for others, made food for her, although only once, but also felt the relationship inside.

In addition, situ Xuan and them will also come to chat with her when they are free, and they have told her a lot, and then she understands that they are not exclusive to her, just because some of her actions can not be relieved.

So this time, after she helped them, they found that she was not such a bad person, so they were willing to get along with her and hoped that she could be close to them.

After listening to them, Ziling knows how many problems she has, so recently she is slowly changing to make herself not so full of thorns.

Jiang Ying leaned against the door frame and looked at Ziling lying on the bed. She didn't know what to think. Her brow was light and she said, "I'm not dead."

Being interrupted, Ziling looks at Jiang Ying and says angrily, "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. I'm still alive."

Jiang Ying shrugged and walked in with something: "that's a pity. It's for you."

"You will be so good to buy things for me?" Ziling looks at Jiang Ying suspiciously. She doesn't believe that this man is so good.

"Don't think I bought it for you. I just bought it too much and I'll give it to you when I can't finish." Jiang Ying hummed and said.

Ziling looks at Jiangying with her head askew, and suddenly she laughs.

"What do you laugh at?"

"Haven't you heard a word?"


"To explain is to cover up. Besides, I've never seen you eat this kind of snack since I've been together for so long." The implication is that you said it's a trick to buy more?

Jiang Ying's face turned black: "you can eat some of them. There's so much nonsense."

Ziling couldn't help laughing. At the end of the smile, tears came out.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Ying was in a hurry: "Hey, don't cry, or you'll be seen. How can I bully you?"

Ziling raised her hand and wiped her tears. Looking at Jiang Ying, her voice choked: "thank you, and I'm sorry."

Jiang Ying is stupefied for a while, the repugnant says: "what is sorry?"

"Jiang Ying suddenly found out that you are not so annoying." Ziling suddenly looked at Jiang Ying and said seriously.

Jiang Ying is angry at once: "what makes me not so annoying?" Is this girl going to talk?

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang stood at the door and looked at the two people with big eyes and small eyes. They couldn't help laughing: "what are you two doing? Cockfighting eyes? But I think you two are quite compatible. "

Zi Ling and Jiang Ying look at Ning Mengyao at the same time, then turn their heads and look at each other with disgust, and say angrily, "just him? Forget it. "

"You really have a tacit understanding."

"Ning Mengyao, you have enough." Jiang Ying's face is black, and she stares at Ning Mengyao discontentedly.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. "Are you getting angry?"

Jiang Ying stares at Ning Mengyao. Qiao Tianchang stands in the way and picks his eyebrows to look at Jiang Ying: "do you have any opinion on my daughter-in-law?"

"Dare I?" If he has any opinion, he will be beaten by this guy.

"Just know."

Ningmengyao went to the bed and looked at Ziling: "are you ok?"

"Don't worry, I can't die. I'll be all right soon. You must be bothering me then." Purple Spirit said with a smile.

"Why? Thank you, Ziling. "