Looking at Ning Mengyao, Ziling naturally knew what he was saying: "in fact, I really want to say thank you. Mengyao, you let me know a lot and get a lot. In fact, I should be satisfied."

She has a lot of friends here. They treat her sincerely. What can she not be satisfied with?

"We are all your friends." Ning Mengyao knows everything about Ziling, so in many times, she is using Ziling's fear of herself to suppress her, not to let her do wrong things, not to end up irremediable.

And now because of this, maybe she should understand her pains?

Ziling was stunned, then smiled: "I think too much. In fact, at the beginning of Mengyao, I really envied you. You are so powerful. You have a husband, children and such an enviable family. But what about me? It seems that there is nothing but knowing you. I suddenly appreciate that you have been suppressing me before. Otherwise, I really don't know what I will do. If that is the case, I may have been rejected by you. At last, I can only leave this place. "

Ningmengyao smiled at Ziling, with a strong smile on the corner of her mouth: "don't think so much, you are my friend, and now you are all our friends."

Ziling smiles and nods. Maybe it's too expensive for her to join them, but she thinks it's worth it.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the two of them and frowned slightly: "Yaoyao, I'll take you out for a walk. Here is Jiangying."

Ziling's face turned black: "Mengyao said a few words to me, and you have opinions. I really don't know how Mengyao suffered from you."

"It's useless if you want to provoke me. I went out to see another restaurant. I heard it tastes good. Let's try it?"

"Is the taste good enough for you and Mengyao? If you want to take Mengyao away from me, will you just say that as for using this excuse? Really... " Purple spirit didn't say.

The dishes made by these two people can be said to be unparalleled. Besides, Ning Mengyao has learned the cooking skills of a top chef. She taught that the cooking skills are not inferior to those of Ning Mengyao. She even said that the food outside is delicious. Is this to beat Mengyao's face?

"It seems so," Joe thought

"Shall we make our own food? It's been a long time. " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.


Ziling looks at the two people who are abusing single dogs all the time, and is very depressed: "can you two stop a little bit, and don't forget there are still single people here."

"That's it. We'll be red eyed and give you a beating." Jiang Ying added.

Qiao Tianchang did not look at the two people of Ziling angrily, and then went to Ning Mengyao's side, reaching out to catch up with them: "let's make something to eat."

Ningmengyao nods, and they go to the kitchen together. Qiao Tianchang decides to make osmanthus cake for her, but ningmengyao stops her. She plans to do it herself.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao making snacks seriously, and suddenly one picture after another appears in his mind.

It's in a fine and beautiful small yard. In the picture, Ning Mengyao is making clothes outside, and he comes out of the kitchen with snacks. Then And then what? It seems that... It seems that

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you?" Ningmengyao was talking to Qiao Tianchang. Seeing him looking at her without saying a word, she was still in a trance with doubts in her eyes.

Qiao Tianchang returned to God and smiled. He walked behind Ning Mengyao, reached out his hand and carried people into his arms from behind: "Yaoyao, I've heard something."

Ningmengyao's body was stiff, then turned to look at Qiao Tianchang, and asked unexpectedly, "what do you think of?"

"I think a lot of things are going to be made in the kitchen with you. I'll learn to make all kinds of snacks with you. And I'll cook for you. You're making clothes for me." He didn't remember much, but it was precious to him.