Xiaojuan looks at ningmengyao sitting under the biggest peach tree. Although she is wearing the same clothes as them, she always feels that this person is different, as if they are two world people.

But think about it, aren't they two worlds?

"Madam, are you ok?" Asked Xiaojuan in a low voice.

She sat under the tree without saying a word, as if she would disappear at any time, which made Xiaojuan worried and scared. She quickly reached for her hand and asked.

Ning Mengyao smiled: "I'm ok, but I think this place is really beautiful."

"Yes, it's a beautiful place." Xiaojuan also laughed, her favorite is this place.

Ning Mengyao smiled and didn't continue to talk, just looked at the front and didn't know what she was thinking.

I don't know how Tianchang is, whether it has reached the place.

"Was sister Juan our general before?" Xiaohu pulls Xiaojuan and asks with expectation.

Xiaojuan nodded: "yes, he is our general."

"They're going to be fine, aren't they?"

"Well, not only Xiaohu's parents will be OK, but all the people in our village will be OK." Xiaojuan reaches out and touches Xiaohu's head, comforting her softly.

Xiaohu smiled and looked at Xiaojuan without worry: "that's good."

Listen to two people chat, Ning Mengyao just think of one thing, she looked at Xiaojuan and frowned and asked: "what do you rely on to survive in the village? Is it to look for food in the mountains? "

"We will also do something to exchange money." Xiaojuan said sheepishly.

"Then why not grow some crops? In this way, you can have enough food and clothing. Have you ever thought about what to do if you can't find something to eat in the mountains? Is it hard not to be hungry like this? " Now think about it, only to find that they didn't really grow food. Those good fields outside have been abandoned.

Xiaojuan looks at ningmengyao in embarrassment and says, "our ancestors have such a life, and no one has ever thought about planting crops. We either look for food on the mountain, or make things for money, and then go shopping."

Ningmengyao put out her hand to cover her forehead. When will it be like this?

"After this, you can plant some crops in your village. Then I'll teach you how to raise rabbits and so on. Then you can sell them in the border town."

"But my father Maybe not. " Xiaojuan said helplessly.

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll persuade him that the traditions of the old ancestors should be abided by, but they can't let the children suffer with you. Do you think I'm right?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiaojuan and says.

"Then I'll trouble my wife. " In fact, some of them had already proposed that they could grow some food by themselves, but their father rejected them. They thought it would be better to go to the mountains and take photos of them.

They didn't think there was anything before, but now they feel like going to the mountains to find food. This is not the way to go on. They can't always live on the mountains, right? What should they do if one day there is no food for them in the mountains? Is it going to be hungry?

But if they grow their own food, it will be different. They can save food and survive better.

Ning Mengyao smiled and said, "the people in the border area are getting better. You are also the people under our jurisdiction. You can't live well. Are you still living on the mountain? Even if I don't know, I won't let you go on like this now that I know. "

Xiaojuan also laughed. They also wanted to change, but they didn't find a chance. Now they can meet the general's wife, which is their creation.

Naturally, the people on the side also heard what Ning Mengyao said, and they were very excited. They were all people who could sell things in the city from time to time. Naturally, they also knew the changes in the city. They also knew that all that was due to the credit of the general's wife in front of them.