Now the general's wife intends to take them with her. Naturally, they are happy, but they are also a little uneasy. What should we do if the elders don't agree? Did you just give up?

"Don't worry, since I have opened my mouth, I will naturally let the elders agree." Ningmengyao looks at their tangled appearance. After knowing the original reason of the matter, it will not make them difficult to do it.

"Then thank you, Madame." And they began, laughing.

"You don't have to be polite to me, but..." Ningmengyao looked around, still feel a little uneasy: "I don't feel very good, let's go to the valley."

"Is Madame worried about those people coming?" Xiaojuan asked.

Ningmengyao nodded, thought about it, put his hand to his mouth and whistled, then two eagles flew down one by one, one fell on ningmengyao's shoulder, and stood on one side of the tree.

"Xiao Hei, you and Da Hei go out to see if there are strangers." Ningmengyao reached out and touched the hair of Xiaohei, and said softly.

Xiaohei finally made a hawk cry, then flew into the air, and Dahei followed closely.

Looking at two leave, Ning Mengyao slightly relieved: "madam, this is what you raise?"

"Yes, it's for heart, but it can also help to check the enemy's situation." Ning Mengyao joked.

Qiao Tianchang is worried about ningmengyao, so the speed on the road is very fast. He is afraid that he will be late and have any problems.

"Don't worry, uncle. We'll be able to get there soon." Looking at Qiao Tianchang's worried look, Shi Song quickly said.

Qiao Tianchang nodded. Well, he didn't say anything more, but he was worried about what he looked like.

Qiao mofeng looked at Qiao Tianchang: "Dad, you don't have to worry, mom is so smart, you must be able to protect yourself."


When Qiao Tianchang and them are quick to whip up, Ning Mengyao also gets some news from Xiaohei. There are really people outside, and there are many.

"There are people outside. You are familiar with this place. Are there any hidden openings? Let's hide. " It's either a girl or a child here. She really dare not gamble.

"Come with me, madam. I know where there is a hole." When Xiaojuan was thinking about it, a young man on the side said in a hurry.

"How do you know Jiang Xiaosen? You haven't been to this place. " Xiaojuan said strangely.

"Why did we come here?" Jiang Xiaosen said discontentedly, "even if I come, I don't have to tell you."

Ning Mengyao looks at the man named Jiang Xiaosen, his eyes squinting slightly. This man Weird.

"Is it? In that case, let's go. " Ningmengyao quietly pulls Xiaojuan to walk at the back.

"Madam, he..."

"Didn't he really come here?" Ning Mengyao asked in a low voice.

As soon as Xiaojuan was about to open her mouth, she saw that ningmengyao had made an action to silence her voice, which meant that she should keep it down a little.

Xiaojuan nodded knowingly and whispered something about Jiang Xiaosen beside ningmengyao.

It turns out that Jiang Xiaosen left the village three years ago and came back recently. However, they found this valley more than a year ago. How could this person know this place?

They are not very clear about the things here, but Jiang Xiaosen said that he knew, no matter how he looked, it was very strange.

Ningmengyao nodded to show that she knew, but her eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, ningmengyao was soft on the ground, and Xiaojuan's face on the edge changed: "what's the matter with you, madam?"

Ningmengyao opened her eyes and looked at Xiaojuan in the place that they could not see. She said nothing silently and then closed her eyes again.

Seeing her like this, Xiaojuan suddenly understood that this lady wanted to fry Jiang Xiaosen.

Jiang Xiaosen came over and said, "what's wrong with her?"

"Madam is not in good health. She was hurt again before. She must be unable to defend her. No, we can't go any more." Xiaojuan hugs Ning Mengyao's shoulder and says earnestly.