Qiao Mo Feng hurriedly takes over Ning Mengyao from Qiao Tianchang's hands and helps people to a cleaner place, but his eyes are always chasing Qiao Tianchang's figure.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang, he doesn't need weapons or internal power. He just uses his fist to fight with others. He knows that he's too angry, or he won't use the slowest way.

Qiao Tianchang's Kung Fu is so powerful that Qiao mofeng doesn't know at all, but she knows very well that if it's dad and dad who do it, he can only draw with Qiao Tianchang with his internal power, which shows how powerful he is.

Every time I see Qiao Tianchang doing his best, Qiao moshang feels that it's a kind of enjoyment. He's really powerful.

Soon, the other side gradually failed, not because his strength was too poor, but Qiao Tianchang in the rage was just like a madman, plus the fist was heavy, even if he used internal power to protect himself, there were several broken bones on his body.

If it goes on like this, his arrangement will be explained here.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the person who is trying to escape, and the red color in his eyes is more intense: "want to go? Have you asked me? "

"Poof." Qiao Tianchang punched him hard on his back, and the other side vomited blood.

He reached out and pinched each other's neck. Qiao Tianchang smiled coldly: "Wu Ziyun is so kind. If you want to kill me, I will complete him."


"Wu Xuan, do you think I have forgotten everything, and I don't remember you? What you do, I know very well. A white eyed wolf like Wu Ziyun has to die without being buried, so that I can get rid of my hatred. " Qiao Tianchang looked at the man who was covering his face and said word by word.

Wu Xuan's face changed: "how do you know?"

Qiao Tianchang's hand gradually tightened, but Wu Xuan was dead without an answer.

"Take off your head and hang it on the wall." This is to dare to calculate their fate. Although Wu Xuan may get a lot of frivolity with him, Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to. Since Wu Ziyun wants to play, he naturally wants to accompany him to the end.

The people on the side have shrunk their necks. The general is terrible. It's better for them to stay away from the typhoon. It's not good to save money and sweep to the end of the typhoon.

Qiao Tianchang goes to the side and holds Ning Mengyao in her arms. Xiaojuan sees Qiao Tianchang running over: "how's the general's wife?"

"Nothing, take a good rest and you'll be fine." Although it's said that, Qiao Tianchang knows that this time, Ning Mengyao may need to lie in bed for a long time to be completely good.

Xiaojuan looks at ningmengyao, who closes her eyes with some self reproach. "It's us who drag the lady down, and the young master and them."

"Don't think about it. Let's go. It's all right."

"General, are my parents OK?" Xiaojuan asked in a hurry.

Qiao Tianchang holds Ning Mengyao in his arms and looks at Xiaojuan. Then he nods and says, "well, it's OK. It'll be back soon."

"That's good. Thank you for your help." Xiaojuan knelt on the ground and said earnestly.

After she knelt down, the villagers behind her also knelt on the ground. If it wasn't for the arrival of the general, they wouldn't know what it would be like.

"You are also people at the border. You don't need to be so polite."

When Qiao Tianchang and his wife were about to leave, the villagers who had been rescued and the women they had brought with them all followed.

The villagers who were rescued before saw that their daughter was alive, with a smile on his face, which was the joy and excitement of the afterlife.

However, when they saw that their children were wearing men's clothes, their faces suddenly changed.

"You What's going on? "

One of them even tugged at his daughter's clothes. When he saw the traces on the child's body, his face immediately changed. He raised his hand and slapped the girl: "now that you are like this, why don't you die? Why do you want to live to make us look disgraceful?"

The beaten woman looked at her mother in a daze. When she saw the smile on her father's face for the first time in the rest of her life, she was happy. She thought her father and mother would not care about it, and then reality slapped her.