
"Don't call me mother. I don't have a shameless daughter like you." The woman said angrily, the shrill cry was so harsh.

The woman looks at her mother stupidly. What does her mother say? Said she didn't know the shame?

Is that what she wants? If she can, she doesn't want to. She has been engaged. She and her fiance have been kissing Mei Zhuma since childhood and will soon be married.

"Dad, do you think so?" The woman looked at the people around her and asked in a sad voice.

The man looked at his daughter, shook his head in disappointment, turned his head, and stopped looking at the woman.

The woman looked at her father and mother, and suddenly she laughed with sadness: "haha, I don't want to do that. I thought my father and mother could accept me, but I didn't expect it would end like this. Don't you want me to die? Then I will complete you. "

Before we could react, the woman had rushed to the soldier at the edge, reached out his sword and killed herself in front of the crowd.

When Ning Mengyao woke up, she saw such a scene, and her face suddenly turned ugly.

"Feng'er helps others."

Qiao mofeng hurriedly walked by, looked at each other's wounds, and then shook his head: "Niang It's no use. "

Ningmengyao went to the woman's face and looked at her eyes that had not been completely closed: "for the sake of speech, don't own life, is it worth it?"

The woman pulled out a very stiff smile: "I think my parents are different, I want to live, but what's the meaning of living?"

Even her parents despised her. She could imagine her fiance's expression. She didn't dare to think about it. She didn't dare to ask. She might as well die like this. At least At least don't hear the words that hurt her.

"Thank you." Maybe only she didn't look at her with strange eyes, which is enough, at least someone will pity her.

Ning Mengyao watched such a living human life disappear slowly in front of her, and looked at the many girls who were in fear because of the girl's death. Her heart sank gradually.

"What happened just now?" Ning Mengyao asked coldly.

Joe Murphy whispered in her ear about what happened just now. After Ning Mengyao heard about it, he burst out with anger, and the expression on his face was very ugly.

When Qiao Tianchang saw Ning Mengyao getting up, his body was shaking slightly, his eyebrows were frowning, he came to her and put his hand around her and put him in his arms: "Yao Yao Yao don't get angry."

"Tianchang, how can I not be angry? This is a living human life, even if she lost her innocence, so what? This is not what she would like, because she lost her innocence. As parents, can they say such hurtful words? " Said Ning Mengyao angrily.

Qiao Tianchang was silent and didn't speak. For him, fame is important, but life is more important. If the girl is encouraged by her family to live, even if someone cast a white eye on her, what will happen? He thought that in the girl's eyes, as long as his parents didn't dislike her, she would be satisfied.

But it's such a small request that they failed to give, and even used such extremely hurtful words to poke people's hearts. It's no wonder that the girl would die unexpectedly.

"Madame, she has lost her virginity. What's the use of living like this?" Said the woman unconvinced.

Ningmengyao looked at each other angrily, then asked the person standing beside him, "do you think so? Do you think that chastity is more important than their lives? "

People are scared by ningmengyao's eyes. They turn their heads and don't go to see ningmengyao.

And their attitude is nothing more than telling Ning Mengyao what they mean. They have the same idea as the couple.

Ningmengyao nodded, then looked at the many women on the side: "do you think so?"


"Madam, I want to live. I didn't do anything wrong. Why must I die? Even if my parents don't want me, they think I'm disgraceful. It's better to die. I want to live. " There is a girl in the middle kneeling in front of Ning Mengyao suddenly, with a firm expression.

Ning Mengyao nodded approvingly, then looked at the girls who looked at each other: "what about you? Who has the same idea as her? "

"Madam, we also want to live. Even if we are treated coldly by others, we want to live." It's not their fault. Why should they pay the price of their lives? They are unwilling.