Such a woman's mind is deepest, but if she wants to keep it, just give her a chance, and she will have an accident. Now she has no time to deal with these people. It's the best decision to cut the grass.

When they saw Qiao Tianchang's gesture, Shi song was shocked at first, then frowned and looked at the woman, who now looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was holding Ning Mengyao, leaving with a very jealous look.

At once, Shi Song understood why Qiao Tianchang wanted to start with this woman. If he didn't, he would be in trouble later.

Shisong takes a look at other people and they take the rest of them to leave the peach blossom valley. Soon, only Shisong and the woman are left in the peach blossom valley.

When a woman looks at a stone pine, she has a very bad premonition in her heart: "you What do you want to do? "

"Don't want to do anything." Shisong looks at the woman with a smile. Before the woman responds, the man has arrived in front of her. He puts out his hand and pinches her neck.

"You Why. " The woman is beating the back of the stone pine ceaselessly, painful say.

Shi songxiao's simple and honest: "why do you want to know? Then I'll tell you, because you have moved your mind to our general, so Must die. "

"I just like him. How can you do this to me?" The woman said in horror.

"It's right to like someone, but you like the wrong person." After Shisong finished speaking, he didn't want to go on talking with the woman, so he started directly and cut each other's neck with a dagger.

The woman was frightened by the sudden pain. However, her body became cold at this moment, and her eyes with color gradually lost their luster and became gray.

Shisong waited in place for a while, put his hand in the woman's nose, and felt that people really died before he let go.

After the body was disposed of, Shisong left the peach blossom Valley as if nothing had happened.

When Shisong found Qiao Tianchang and them, they had planned to go back to the border town. During this period, some girls' mothers regretted and hoped to take their children home. However, those girls who had changed their surname to Bai now refused.

No one is willing to go back with them, because they are very clear. If they do go back with them, maybe at the beginning, they will take care of them and take pity on them. But when the time is getting longer and there is the finger pointing eyes of the people around them, their parents will certainly dislike them.

It's better to leave now than to be humiliated at last. At least they have a way to live with their wives. They believe that if they are willing to take them back, they will not be affected by these rumors.

As long as you are smart, you will know what to do if you think about it carefully.

Ning Mengyao looked at the parents who were begging: "do you want to take people back? Then answer me a question first. "

"Madame, please."

"After they go back with you, if they are pointed and even insulted by people in the village, and even you are involved, will you treat them as you always do now?" Ning Mengyao looked at the kneeling people, very casually said.

They are not only watched by Ning Mengyao, but also by their own daughters.

Those families looked at each other with embarrassment and hatred in their eyes. It can be seen from such eyes that whether they can really treat these girls well or not.

Bai Ling looked at his parents and laughed at himself: "you don't have to say, mom and dad. I know what you mean. Even if you say it will always be very good to me, I will follow my wife, and I won't go back with you."


"Don't say I'm unfilial or anything. I want to live, I don't want to die. I'll go back with you. One day, I'll be forced to die alive by you. Even if I won't be forced to die by you, the animals I'll live by will not be as good as the animals I live by. You don't have to say too many grand words. I know what you mean, because I'm going with my wife now. You think I have something to use Value, but also bring you benefits, otherwise you will let me go back? No. " Bai Ling looked at his parents and said.

What kind of people are her parents? She knows very well. How can such selfish people really let her go back?