Bai Ling's father and mother were not able to hold up when she said, "what happened when we scolded you for losing your virginity?"

"Yes, so what do you want me to do? I've already said that when I'm dead, you can do it. Why should I go back? " Bai Ling's body was tight and his father's eyes were like a stranger.

Several girls standing beside Bai Ling, they are all asked by their parents to follow them back. Seeing Bai Ling's encounter like this, they are more determined to not go back.

"We won't go back. From now on, you should think we're dead."

Ning Mengyao looked at them like that, with a cold smile on her lips: "don't think that they will have nothing better after they don't have a home. They may have a better life when they go home, but they are more unhappy, but they can dominate their own life if they don't go back, Since we don't really want them to go back, let's go. "

"Madame, you must come to play with us next time." Seeing that they are going to leave, Xiaojuan quickly says.

"Don't worry, someone will come to you soon. By the way, village head, I hope you can follow the people I called to learn how to grow crops and raise livestock. In this way, your life will be guaranteed a lot and there will be no more such problems. It's very dangerous in the mountains. It's your good luck that you haven't met twice. It doesn't mean that your luck can always be so good." Ningmengyao turned to look at the old village head very seriously said.

The village head smiled awkwardly, and then nodded, "don't worry, madam, we will follow suit."

This time, he also reflected on why Jiang Xiaosen left and would do such a thing? That's because there's no money to kill them. In that case, why can't they grow together? At least it can solve the most basic survival problems of villagers.

Hearing her father's agreement, Xiaojuan immediately laughed happily. Don't mention how excited she was.

"Dad, you are so kind that you finally agree."

The village head glared at Xiaojuan, with a disgruntled straight face: "it's like I'm an antique. It's true." Speaking of this, the village head laughed first.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded. After a few words with the village head, he was ready to leave with Qiao Tianchang.

Before leaving, Qiao Tianchang looked at Jiang Xiaosen and said, "he would have done that to save your life. Although he did something wrong, his original intention was good."

The village head and others were stunned, then nodded: "general, rest assured, we all know."

Joe Tianchang nodded with satisfaction: "in this case, we will leave."

Xiaojuan's father and daughter followed the villagers to see Qiao Tianchang and them leave: "let's go. Since general Xiaosen said that, you will not peck at such things again. We misunderstood you again."

"Thank you, uncle." Jiang Xiaosen was stunned and nodded.

They can forgive him. It's enough for him. How dare he think otherwise? But in my heart, I am very grateful to Qiao Tianchang.

When Qiao Tianchang and them went back, Wu Xuan's head had been hung at the gate of the city. At the same time, they informed the people of the whole city of the reason, and they did not know what purpose they had posted a notice at the gate of the city.

For the people in the desert, the people in the border cities are very disliked now, even to the point of abhorrence.

Now when they heard that they had captured the people in the border city, and they had done a lot of disgusting things, all of them were at a loss for fear. Every day, many people gathered around to watch. Not only that, they also praised Qiao Tianchang for his good work.

Ningmengyao can't help laughing when listening to the gossip from the outside: "Tianchang does this. Are you sure that wuziyun won't blow up?"