Ning Mengyao looks at Mu Chen with a smile: "I'm just naturally sensitive to numbers."

"We all know that." If not digital sensitive, can they get to where they are today? It's impossible to do well.

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao's expression very seriously: "won't Yao'er disturb your rest?"

"No, I just look at the account book. You need to do specific things." She really can't run around now, but it's OK to direct behind the scenes.

"That's enough. You say we do it."

Ning Mengyao smiled: "how can I feel that we are so strange?"

"What's so strange?"

"Well, not so much. Before you came in the morning, Qingxuan came to see me. He said something happened in the workshop. What's the matter?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of it, frowned and asked.

Said this matter, Mu Chen also frowned: "this matter has some days, the other party's purpose seems to be to let us have no way to ship."

"Yeah? Are there any suspicious people in the workshop? " Ning Mengyao frowned and asked thoughtfully.

Muchen shook his head: "I haven't found anything wrong yet."

Ningmengyao single hand ring chest, one hand supporting chin, fingers light their lips.

Seeing ningmengyao like this, Muchen and other people are waiting quietly, and they don't disturb her. Every time she looks like this, she is thinking.

"You focus on the people in the warehouse." Ning Mengyao looked at them and said, "Oh, there are people who have been close to them frequently recently. In addition, I want to investigate whether those people in the warehouse have contacted any strangers recently."

In the morning, they first felt a little confused. After that, they soon understood Ning Mengyao's meaning: "Yao'er, what do you mean?"

"That's right. They can't leave any clues, and our workshop is strictly managed. People in the warehouse can't go in, including some people in the workshop. In this case, they can still start to work on our goods. That's to say that people in the warehouse are too tired. Even if they are not, they are good friends with them " Ningmengyao's deep voice analysis said.

Muchen looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time and then smiled: "yes, I didn't think of it. I think it's too complicated."

"It's OK. You have a lot of things now. It's normal. Let's do these things well first, and then we'll talk about the rest."

"OK, I'll do it. I'm busy in the morning." Meiruolin said to stop the matter: "Xuanxuan has been helping Chen to deal with the family's Affairs recently, and she will be very busy every day."

Ningmengyao reached out and touched her nose, but said, "how do I feel like I'm the most idle one?"

Everyone is so busy, she has nothing to do. It doesn't feel very good.

Can Mei Ruolin not know what Ning Mengyao is thinking? Reach out and knock her head: "how do you always think about what you don't have? It's the most important thing that you give good care to your broken body." Meiruolin didn't get angry.

Ningmengyao put out her hand to cover the place where she was hit and said wrongly, "sister Mei is in pain."

"I don't hurt." Mei Ruolin didn't take a good look at her. She couldn't let go of Ning Mengyao's making herself like this.

Ningmengyao flat mouth, eyes are grievances, she did not do anything, it is not careless?

To be honest, she didn't know why she was like this.

"Well, sister Mei, Yao'er didn't mean to, so don't be angry." Seeing that Ning Mengyao was very aggrieved, but also pitiful Baba, situ Xuan couldn't see it any more, so she hurriedly came out to finish the match.

Mei Ruolin looked at situ Xuan discontentedly: "she is going to be lawless now. She is spoiled by you."

"Sister Mei said about the beloved Yao'er, who can compare you with her brother-in-law?" Situ Xuan looks at Mei Ruolin funny.

Among them, Mei Ruolin and his wife are the ones who love Anning Mengyao, but they haven't found out yet.