"Why not? Is Joe Tianchang one? " Is that the doting wife maniac? Xiao Yao'er is not spoiled by him. All of them are good at heart.

Mu Chen looks at Mei Ruolin and laughs: "Lin, do you think the wind is bad for you?"

Meiruolin's mouth slightly twitches for a while, isn't it good? Yu Sheng, their son, is protesting, saying that they don't have him as a son in their husband and wife's eyes. At this time, Mei Ruolin feels very embarrassed.

"I'm really curious. You stick together every day. How come they don't feel bored? Not yet If you think about Merlin, it's incredible.

"Ha ha, that's because xiaoyao'er and Tianchang didn't forget Shanger and them when they were in a good relationship. It's not surprising that Yusheng will protest with you if you two forget your son as soon as it's sweet." Ningmengyao hasn't spoken yet. The Muchen beside her can't help laughing. What's the name? That is to say, you must not live in your own iniquity.

Ning Mengyao could not help laughing, while Mei Ruolin looked at Muchen angrily: "where do you think you are going? Do you feel that Mu Sihong of your family is not jealous? "

Muchen is choking this time. Well, it's true.

Hong'er wants to have a younger brother and sister, and then he wants them to be more intimate. But who knows that there is no younger brother and sister at the end of intimacy? So mushihong gets angry. Every time he stirs up trouble between them, the whole idea is endless.

Ningmengyao suddenly burst out laughing. They are too funny. Don't they want to attack her? How come it's internal strife now?

"You don't have to do anything?"

"Don't talk first." Mei Ruolin and Muchen look at Ning Mengyao at the same time and say very seriously.

Ningmengyao was a little embarrassed by the two people's stare, but soon turned into a theatre, sitting on the bed watching them quarrel with interest.

Qiao Tianchang came back because he had something to take. Who knows that he saw such a scene.

These people know that Yao Yao's health is not good. They are still quarreling here. Their faces are black immediately.

Go to grab Muchen's collar and throw him out. Suddenly, Muchen almost fell to the ground without any image. Is he repudiated?

"Joe Tianchang, what are you doing?"

"Don't you see it all? Throw you out, my daughter-in-law's body is weak. Even if you show her the account book, you still quarrel here. What do you want to do? " Qiao Tianchang looked at Muchen and said disdainfully.

Muchen's eyelids kept beating. This man is really

Mei Ruolin took a gloating look at Mu Chen and said, "I deserve it."

"Sister may, do you go out by yourself or do I throw you out?" Qiao Tianchang looked at meiruolin and asked seriously. It didn't look like a joke at all.

The smile on meiruolin's face became stiff, her eyelids kept beating, and her mouth also jerked fiercely: "Qiao Tianchang you..."

"I'll throw you all out when I'm disturbing my daughter-in-law." If they are saying that the business is OK, it's OK, but they are not. Instead, they are noisy there, which makes people angry.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with tears and smiles: "Tianchang, I'm ok."

"That's not good either." Qiao Tianchang stares at Ning Mengyao and says discontentedly.

Meiruolin saw that Ning Mengyao was also scolded, and her mind was immediately balanced. As long as she could see Xiaoyao's shriveled food, it would be nice to see what she looked like now. How lovely.

"Well, sister, I'm busy." Meiruolin patted the folds that didn't exist on her body and got up to leave.

She left. Naturally, Muchen and situ Xuan didn't want to stay. They also said goodbye to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, are you angry?"