Qiao Tianchang did not look at Ning Mengyao angrily. He was very dissatisfied and said, "I haven't looked at you for a while now. What do you look like? Noisy. "

"I don't have it. You can't do me wrong."

"You didn't, but you let it go." Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "it's more laissez faire than participation.".

Ningmengyao's mouth slightly twitched for a while, and finally decisively shifted the topic: "Tianchang, what's the matter when you come back?"

"Well, I'll come back to get some things and see if you have a good rest." He also pinched the tip of her nose. Don't think he didn't know she was changing the subject.

Ningmengyao reached out and touched her nose. She was very embarrassed and said, "I don't have any. In the morning, they came to send me the account book, and then they said something about the workshop."

"How can we talk about them?" Qiao Tianchang said without words.

Ningmengyao smiled, but didn't explain. In fact, this is the way they get along with each other. Others can't understand and feel it.

"It's a normal way for us to get along."

"That's also true. I went to the study to get something and then I was busy. Do you have to be careful yourself?" Qiao Tianchang is still not reassured: "in addition, the time to read the account book should not be too long, and this matter is not very anxious."

If Mu Chen hears Qiao Tianchang's words, it must be a blood spray on his face. What is not to worry? When he was dealing with it, he was burning his eyebrows. Now when he was replaced, he would be treated differently, right? Can we do a good job?

"Well, I know. Go ahead."

After watching Qiao Tianchang leave, Ning Mengyao gets out of bed and takes a charcoal pen, then takes a piece of paper, and then moves the account book to the soft collapse on one side.

When she finished reading one, she would write a number on the paper in her hand, and then read another.

When Qingshuang came in with the medicine, Ning Mengyao had eight or nine account books beside her, and the rice paper in her hand also had a series of numbers written on it. If you want to see it for another person, you really can't understand it.

"Madam, it's time for you to rest." As for Ning Mengyao's speed in reading the account books, Qingshuang is no surprise. She used to read much faster than that.

Ning Mengyao did not look up at the account book: "after reading this, I will rest."

Qingshuang picks up her eyebrows and moves all the books on the table to one side. When Ning Mengyao finishes reading and wants to take them, she finds that the table in front of her is empty. At first sight, she holds them in Qingshuang's hand, while she puts a bowl of medicine in the place where she puts the books.

"It's time for your wife to drink medicine. The general told you to look at her when he left. Look at the account book for a while and let her have a rest." Qingshuang is very serious about what Qiao Tianchang said.

Ningmengyao stares at Qingshuang, and Qingshuang also looks at her. She doesn't want to compromise at all. In that way, ningmengyao is very helpless, which is spoiled by her. What evil did she do? Unexpectedly, I met such a servant girl.

Helplessly reached out to bring up the medicine on the table to drink, and then took a piece of candied fruit to melt away the bitterness in the mouth before looking at the green frost.

"Madame can have a rest." Qingshuang said with a smile, but Ning Mengyao was stupid.

"My books."

"Madam, you are not in good health now. Don't compare your body with that at that time. Can you rest for half an hour and continue?" She also knows that these things are in a hurry, but for Ning Mengyao's body, she must not be allowed to do so.

Ningmengyao's eyes were so straight at Qingshuang. Qingshuang almost lost in such eyes. In order to not compromise, Qingshuang resolutely held the account book and dodged people. Together, she took away the account book that ningmengyao had read and the rice paper that she recorded the numbers.

This makes Ning Mengyao, who was going to study the basic account book before, look stupid. What's the matter? Take away what you haven't seen, and take away what you have seen. Not only that, but also take away the paper she has written down the numbers. How can you believe her?