"My mother gives you this." Doudou quickly begrudges Ning Mengyao with her favorite dish.

After dinner, the mother and the son played for a while again. Ning Mengyao let the two brothers rest, while she rubbed her eyebrows and heart. She didn't know what she was thinking on the soft collapse.

What Ning Mengyao thinks about now is the account book she has just read. She basically remembers the above figures, but she always thinks there is something wrong with them. The difference is too big.

Ningmengyao closed her eyes and focused on the problem. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and the most embarrassing thing was a faint smile: "so it is."

After thinking through, Ning Mengyao didn't continue to tangle about this for him, just wait for tomorrow's day, to verify it.

The next morning, Ning Mengyao woke up. It was cold nearby, which showed that Qiao Tianchang didn't come back last night. It seems that he had a tough job there.

And Joe Tianchang is looking at the soldiers in front of him.

"Will General... We. " The soldier who was stared at by Qiao Tianchang wants to explain. You can see Qiao Tianchang's gloomy face, coupled with his cold face, feels like crying without tears.

They know it's wrong. Don't look at them like this, OK?

Since last night, the general has been looking at them without saying a word. It seems that he is studying how to deal with them at a glance. Everyone of them is creepy. Just think about it and it will be terrible.

"What are you doing?" This is Qiao Tianchang's first sentence since last night.

Lei'an on the side was relieved. The boss finally spoke to the club. If he didn't talk, he would think what happened to the boss.

"Boss, they..."

"Ryan, shut up for me. I don't have time for you now." Joe opened his mouth coldly. His own supervision is not good. Now he even wants to plead with them? Who gave him the guts?

Ryan was pulled out by Joe Tianchang's vest. He shrunk his neck and gave a helpless look to the soldiers who were pleading for him. How could he save them? Unless you don't want to live.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the people in front of him and said coldly, "when is it that you don't know one by one?"

"Yes." Several lowered their heads at the same time.

"Now that you know it, what are you doing these days?" Joe looked at them coldly.

These are the soldiers guarding the city, and the place they are in is very important. They are in the place with the best vision, but these are good. They even run to him for a drink of flower wine.

After all, it's normal for men to drink flower wine in places like barracks, but what makes Qiao Tianchang angry is that they haven't been in their posts for several days, or even didn't tell others that their places are empty. If someone is going to sneak attack at this time, they are doomed.

"General, we are willing to be punished." Several people looked at each other, knelt down on the ground and said.

They know it's their fault. Now it's a sensitive time. They still neglect their duties every day and should be punished by the general.

"You can't escape this punishment. You'd better remember it for me. After this period of time, none of you want to escape." Said Jo in a cold voice.

Several people want to cry without tears. If they are punished now, they can at least relax a little. But if they are punished later They don't know what the general will do.

The current general is different from the former general. Now the general can kill people. Especially they have made such a low-level mistake. Recently, the general is very angry. They accidentally hit the muzzle of the gun.