"General, can we be punished now?" One of them asked ruoro.

Joe looked at each other coolly: "what do you say?"

The speaker stopped choking for a moment, and quickly shut his mouth and stopped talking. Besides, he was really worried. The general gave him a beating, and then his punishment could not be spared.

Leianxin pulls out the cool and stealthily looks at Qiao Tianchang. He feels like crying without tears.

"Boss, can you stop looking at me like this? I know it's wrong. I'm really wrong. " Ryan said, trying to cry without tears.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Lei An for a long time and then said, "drill in half a month, and then you will do the training."

Ryan was stimulated by Joe Tianchang's words: "you're not kidding me, boss?"

"Do I seem to be kidding you?" Joe Tianchang squints at Ryan. If he really thinks he's joking, he doesn't mind waking him up.

"I'm wrong, boss. I shouldn't doubt you, but I'm alone..."

"What happened to a man? Or do you want to tell me you can't do it? " Joe Tianchang squints at Ryan. You dare to say that. I dare to let you go back to the furnace and rebuild.

Ryan shook his head. "No, I didn't mean that."

"So what are you still doing here? Don't you hurry? "

"Yes, I'll be right away." Ryan wants to cry without tears.

During this period of training, he was finished. He couldn't return home. He had to train and sleep with these rough men in the barracks every day. He felt very sad.

Ryan glared at the kneeling soldiers and strode away.

And those who are stared at, their hearts are cold. It's over. They not only offended the general, but also general Ryan. Will they die miserably?

The culprit didn't look at them at all. He turned around and left. He didn't go back yesterday, and he didn't know whether Yao Yao had a good rest. If he didn't, he had to go back to have a look. Otherwise, she would not care about anything and what she would look like.

When Qiao Tianchang came back home, he saw Ning Mengyao sitting cross legged on the soft collapse and looking at the account book. There was already a pile on the edge. He immediately frowned and walked over, pulled out the account book in her hand and said, "how can I still look at the account book?"

Suddenly being taken away from the account book, Ning Kai would have been very angry, but when he saw Qiao Tianchang, he was not angry. Instead, he smiled, "Tianchang, you are back?"

"Well, why don't you know how to rest? You didn't read the ledger all night yesterday, did you? " Qiao Tianchang asked suspiciously.

Ningmengyao mouth slightly smoke, but also all night look at the ledger? She spent at most two hours reading yesterday. At other times, the account books were kept in Qingshuang's hands. She couldn't even read them if she wanted to.

"Don't mention that the account books were in Qingshuang's hands last noon and night. She didn't give them to me at all. I still read them all night." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

However, Qiao Tianchang nodded with great satisfaction after listening: "Qingshuang is doing well."

“……” Ning Mengyao gave Qiao Tianchang a silent look. She really didn't want to talk to this person. It was a waste of her time.

Qiao Tianchang looked at ningmengyao, who was about to cry without tears, and couldn't help laughing: "OK, let Qingshuang look at you, just afraid that you will forget everything when you look at the account book, but you saw so much yesterday?"

"Is there more? It's very few. " Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

At the end of each year, she used to read a lot of account books of tongbaozhai, which were big wooden boxes with more than ten boxes. She could only read them in three days. Now

Looking at this account book on the edge, she felt uneasy.

“…… Do you think the books are so fast? " It's not Joe Tianchang's suspicion, but it's also too inconceivable. Where can I read the account book so fast?

Ningmengyao nodded seriously: "before I went to Baishan village, I would read a lot of account books at the end of each year. I could read more than ten boxes of account books in three days."