She used to think it was joking by Jomo Shang, but today Jomo Shang never joked with her. She was very serious about it.

Doudou has been silent for a long time before he is not unhappy any more. He just follows ningmengyao quietly.

However, Qiao moshang's decision has stimulated some Doudou. At least now Doudou is totally different from before. I have worked harder in my study, which may be the best harvest.

Qiao moshang is not around. Doudou has Jiuyin to take care of him. For a moment, Ning Mengyao will think that he has done nothing.

But soon things will come, that is, the Jane's family has got the news.

In recent years, the Jane family has secretly arranged in this place and bought the minds of many people in the border area. Qiao Tianchang's clean-up has wiped out many of the Jane family's spies, but there are still many, but they are very deep.

The Jane family can do this kind of unbridled things here. Ning Mengyao believes that it's not overnight. Maybe they started earlier, but Qiao Tianchang didn't have time to pay attention to these things. After all, he didn't have so much time to deal with these things when the invaders were in charge.

"Xiaoyao'er, will you give a response after reading it? What's the matter of not saying a word? " Muchen looks at Ning Mengyao's silent appearance without any words. When she comes, she still thinks, what surprising performance will she have? Who knows that sitting there without saying a word is not talking.

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Suddenly, Muchen couldn't understand Ning Mengyao's idea.

But didn't Ning Mengyao really listen? No, she not only listened, but also listened very seriously.

Ning Mengyao looked at the list carefully. All of them were people who had close relationship with Jane's family.

Ningmengyao took a charcoal pen and drew a circle and a name on it.

Muchen looks down at the name on the paper, eyebrows tightly here: "what do you mean, Xiaoyao? Zhang Dalong? This person gives me the feeling of being a big old man, how can I... "

"Big old man? I'm afraid not? What do you think of the army he runs in the morning? " Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked.

"Is there anything wrong with being disciplined?" He went to the barracks. Isn't this kind of barracks normal?

"Of course not. In the morning, he is an old man with developed limbs and simple mind. But such a man can manage the army under his jurisdiction so well?" Ning Mengyao chuckled sarcastically.

Mu Chen looks at Ning Mengyao in dismay, and thinks about it carefully. She seems to be right. It's true. If he is really a coarser, he is only one who can fight for the enemy. But Zhang Dalong is not. He has an army of 30000 people under his hand, and those 30000 people

"Xiao Yao'er, I see what you mean. This big dragon is intentional. It makes people think that he is just a powerful warrior."

"Well, it's just that he forgot one thing, that is, the extremes of things will turn out to be the opposite. He acted too much." Since there is no intelligence of the Wufu do not want to manage their own not so good, so let people doubt.

Muchen nodded and thought about it carefully. There were really some problems. Before that, he also followed Qiao Tianchang to participate in several strategic discussions. Now think about it carefully. Zhang Dalong at that time, though he was not intelligent, said exactly at that point, which made people think he was just guessing and bumping.

"I will investigate, but Zhang Dalong may cry if he knows about it." I'm proud that the disguise is so easy to see through. It's still effortless.

Ning Mengyao sneered and said sarcastically, "what does it have to do with me whether he cries or not? In the morning, you can see that we may get unexpected good things. "

" Tut, I'm really looking forward to more and more, but how is Tianchang? Is there any news coming back? "

"Well, he asked Xiaohei to send the letter back, saying that they had just arrived."